Chapter 2- A new arrival

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Charlie and Lola arrived at the school, and quickly hurried to their desks. 

Teacher: "Class of '69. We have a new arrival today! His name is Marv. Please welcome him. 

From the right of the stage, a boy wearing a blue hoodie walked onto the stage. He had dark, brown hair, and a face full of golden freckles. Charlie went a violent pink as the mysterious boy winked at him. 

Teacher: "As Marv is new, we will need him to pick a buddy, who will show him around the school and take care of him. Any volunteers?"

Charlie raised his hand quicker than he had ever done before. 

Teacher: "The girl in the blue shirt. Millie... Hotch?"

Charlie looked down at his grey shoes, and wiped his clammy hands on his jeans.

Marv: "If I may miss...."

Marv pointed at Charlie, his eyes widening. 

Marv: "I would like the boy with the golden blonde hair to be my buddy... if that's okay with you, of course, miss."

The teacher stopped. She looked at the boy, then made her decision.

Teacher: "Charlie Sonner... a fine choice if I do say so myself. Charlie, you are to show him around the school, then organise his locker and help him with his studies. Are you sure you want to take on this responsibility?"

Charlie nodded, and a beaming smile formed on his face.

Charlie and Lola's day at schoolHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin