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~Part II~


The morning was peaceful, the sun casting a warm glow over the land. Dew drops speckled the grass and foliage, creating a glittering effect that shone through the morning fog. Blue was still unused to the unforgiving sun that beat down on Pritor, often finding himself drenched in sweat. Though this morning was a sweet reprieve, a slight chill in the air brought forth gooseflesh on his skin.

It truly was a beautiful day, Blue thought as he was fitted in his new armor, forged just for him the week prior.

Cyprian expected Blue, along with Rhys and Farron, to accompany him on his raid of the kingdom of Kahylde. Blue did not desire to go. He wanted to stay as far away from this war as possible, though that was a wishful thought as he was quite literally in the middle of the war, being mated to the enemy of all people.

Blue winces as Farron tightens his breastplate, the unfamiliar feel of metal pinching his skin.

"Sorry," Farron says, loosening the armor the slightest bit. Not enough to rid the uncomfortableness, but enough to ease the pain.



"Tell me about yourself," Blue says.

Farron pauses long enough for Blue to turn to look at him, a look of contemplation covering his face.

"There is nothing much to tell of," Farron replies, making Blue give him a wide, bright smile.

"Sure there is! I would love to get to know you more since we will be spending so much time together."

Blue had a plan. He needed to get closer to Farron if he wanted to keep close tabs on Rhys. Just as he would charm Grigor to get information on Cyprian. Though he had a feeling Grigor would be harder to get through to.

"Well, I have twenty-six siblings," Farron says, making Blue's eyes widen, his mouth falling open in shock.

"Twenty-six," Blue exclaims. "Your parents must have been busy, then."

"Oh, I suppose so. Though we are all very far apart in age. My parents are a little over six hundred years old. They've been around for quite a long time."

"I've never met anyone that old before," Blue says, not even having to feign surprise at the man's words. "I have three siblings. We are all pretty close in age though. I love them all dearly. It has been hard being so far away from them for this long."

"I am sorry you were dragged into this mess," Farron tightens a piece of armor on his right arm, making Blue sway with the motion. "I hope you know we are doing everything we can to stop this war from escalating."

Not hard enough, Blue thinks bitterly, though he plasters a soft smile on his face.

"Of course, I'd imagine this is a very tough plan to carry out."

Give me one minute with Cyprian and this war would be over in the blink of an eye.

"We are doing what we can. We want to take the route with the least amount of casualties on our side."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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