The Mushroom Kingdom & The Dark Lands

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Inside the cave, Sonic slowly woke up and was rubbing his head when Mario, Luigi and Tails came over to him. Tails: "Sonic!, are you okay?" Sonic: "I think so... but man... that evil fake of mine sure can put up a fight..." Luigi: "No kidding... not to mention scary looking too." Mario: "Never mind about him, we need a way out of here, before we run out of air." Tails: "That's right, with the entrance blocked, and if there's no other way out... the air here is limited... so we need to get out of here as soon as possible before we run out of it..." Luigi: "Right... but what can we do?" Sonic: "Well we can't just sit here and do nothing, that's for sure." Tails: "Let's try exploring deep into the cave, there might be another way out... maybe..." Mario: "Well... it's worth a shot..." said Mario, before he, his brother and the two Mobians, went off deeper into the cave and found only a dead end. However, they did found a large man sized green pipe sticking out of the wall. Tails: "What's that?" Sonic: "Looks like a pipe..." Luigi: "Yeah... but I don't see how that can help us..." Mario: "Hold on... maybe this pipe could lead us to a sewer, and there might be a way out from there..." Sonic: "Oh man... the sewers?... gross..." Mario: "Do you wanna stay in here forever?" Tails: "And let Eggman harm our home again?" Sonic: "Well... when you put it that way..." soon, the group went into the pipe, but suddenly, the inside of the pipe began to glow and some forced pulled them in. before they knew it, the group were in some sort of realm that looked like space. Luigi: "What's happening?!" Mario: "Hang on Luigi!, it's gonna be okay!" Luigi: "How is it gonna be okay?!" Mario: "Remember, nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!" said Mario, before both Luigi and Tails were pulled into another pipe line while Sonic and Mario went into another. Tails: "Sonic!" Luigi: "Mario!" Sonic: "Tails!" Mario: "Luigi!" called out the brothers, as they were separated from each other. It wasn't long before Sonic and Mario came out of the other end of the pipe, and crashed into a giant mushroom, and rolled down to the ground. When they got up, they looked around to see giant mushrooms everywhere. Sonic: "Oh no... please tell me we didn't end up on the Mushroom planet..." Mario: "There's a planet of mushrooms?" Sonic: "Yeah... it's the place I sent Robotnik to after I beaten him the first time..." suddenly, a voice that said 'This is the Mushroom kingdom, not planet.', which surprised the pair. Mario: "Who said that?" asked Mario, before a being that was a mushroom with a face, legs and arms came to the scene. His name was Toad (voiced by Keegan-Michael Key), and he was called a Toad, which is like a Mushroom Mobian. Toad: "Greetings, I'm Toad, and welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom." Sonic: "A kingdom... of mushrooms..." Mario: "Well that's a cruel twist of fate..." Toad: "How so?, it's a really nice place to live in, a very peaceful kingdom on Mobius." Sonic: "Wait... this planet... it's Mobius?" Toad: "Yup, and I'm a Toad, which is a Mushroom Mobian." Mario: "A Mobian... like Sonic here?" Toad: "Yeah, but a Toad instead of a hedgehog, Mobians come in different forms... like the Hedgehogs, Foxes, Echidnas, Rabbits, Toads, Koopas, Penguins, Gorillas." Sonic: "And owls?" Toad: "Yup, that's right, thought the Echidnas and Owls are extinct now... thanks to the Koopas." Mario: "Uh... is this a dream?" asked Mario, before Toad picks up a stick and hits Mario on the shoulder with it. Mario: "Ow!" Toad: "Did that hurt?" Mario: "Yes!" Toad: "Then it's not a dream." Sonic: "You didn't had to do that." Toad: "What?, I was only trying to show him he was not dreaming." Mario: "Okay... say uh... did you by chance seen my brother Luigi?" Sonic: "Or at least my brother, Tails?" Mario: "My brother looks like me but taller, skinny and green." Sonic: "And my adopted brother is a Mobian like me but a fox with two tails, which is how he got his name." Mario: "And last time we saw them, they went through some pipe that took them somewhere that was dark and had lava." hearing this made Toad gasped in shock. Toad: "Oh... that's not good... those two... have entered the Dark lands... which are under... Bowser's control..." Mario: "Bowser?" Sonic: "Who's he?" Toad: "He's the ruler of the Koopas I mentioned, they're reptile beings with shells and really mean... they would do anything for power... even if it means destroying other beings and other worlds... and Bowser is the worst one of them all... and if your brothers are there... then they're in real trouble." Sonic: "Oh no..." Mario: "We gotta save them!" Toad: "Don't worry, I know someone who can help ya both, Princess Peach, the ruler of the Mushroom kingdom, I'll take you to her." Sonic: "Really?, thanks pal, you know, you're pretty cool for a mushroom." Toad: "I prefer to be called a Toad, but ya, I am pretty cool... now then, follow me." said Toad, as he leads Mario and Sonic to where the princess of the Mushroom kingdom lives. Meanwhile, elsewhere on Mobius, there was the Dark Lands, and somewhere in the Dark Lands was Tails and Luigi, who were looking around and see they were in a very spooky place. It was night and the place looked dead as everything was burnt from the rivers of magma and Luigi had to use a flashlight to see where he and Tails were going. Luigi: "Where are we?" Tails: "I don't know... but I got a feeling we're not in Green Hills anymore..." suddenly, they heard the sound of bones rattling, which made them nervous. They looked around until they see what looked like a living skeleton that resembled a turtle, trying to attack the pair, until Tails used his namesakes to knocked the skeleton down and it fell apart. Luigi: "Whoa... nice hit..." Tails: "Thanks..." Luigi: "What is that?" Tails: "No idea... never seen anything like it before... but it's kinda cool though... I mean if you ignore the fact it tried to attack us..." suddenly, the skeleton started to come back together and tries to attack again. The pair were forced to retreat before seeing more living turtle skeletons coming to the scene. Completely outnumbered, Tails and Luigi tried to make a run for it, before running towards an abandoned castle that was surrounded by lava. When the pair crossed the old bridge that leads them to the castle, they went inside and locked themselves in so the skeletons couldn't get in. Luigi: "Oh man... that was way too close..." Tails: "Yeah... but we're safe now... those skeletons can't get in... [turns around and gasped in shock and horror] unless some got in here first..." said Tails, as he and Luigi were surrounded by the living turtle skeletons. It wasn't long before the pair were captured by the skeletons, who takes them to a blimp, and begins to fly off to who knows where. Meanwhile, back at Green Hills, things weren't looking good as Tom and Maddie, along with Wade, Vanilla and Crazy Carl, were being taken away by G.U.N. soldiers. Tom: "Sorry about this mess Vanilla, we didn't want you or your girls to go through this again..." Vanilla: "That's alright... this isn't your fault... I just hope the kids are okay..." Wade: "Yeah... I mean they went off with Mario and Luigi, right?" Maddie: "Yeah... they were." Crazy Carl: "These G.U.N. must be more crazy than I am if they think our Blue Blur would help that rotten Eggman escape." that was when Commander Walters came to them. Commander Walters: "Now you're gonna tell us where the alien is, and we might work something out." Tom: "But we keep telling ya, whoever that hedgehog was that helped Robotnik, I doubt it was Sonic." Maddie: "Yeah, how do we know you're not trying to make an excuse just to try capturing him again?" Commander Walters: "Well this video tells us otherwise." said Commander Walters, before a soldier shows the group a computer that showed a recording of Robotnik's escape, including the mysterious hedgehog hiding in the smoke. Tom: "That can't be Sonic... I mean it does look like him but... something seems off..." Maddie: "Yeah... the quills are pointing upward... but Sonic's are more downward..." Vanilla: "You're right... and not only that... the eyes are glowing red... Sonic's eyes are never like that..." Commander Walter: "Probably just to disguise himself, but did a poor job at it." Tom: "How many times do we have to tell ya that Sonic's innocent?!" Wade: "Oh man... this night can't get any worse... right?" suddenly, a big swarm of Badnik drones and Buzz Bombers came to the scene, followed by Dr Robotnik and Shadow, which were followed by an energy cage that contains Amy, Cream, Knuckles and Cheese. Vanilla: "My babies!" Cream: "Mama!, help!" Amy: "Mom!" Tom: "Let them go Robotnik!, if you harmed Sonic and Tails...I'll..." Dr Robotnik: "You'll what?, in case you didn't noticed... you're a prisoner to G.U.N., and speaking of which... Commander Walters... how nice to see you again." Commander Walters: "Robotnik!, I don't know what deal you made with Sonic to convince him to help you get out of prison, but..." Dr Robotnik: "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha!, you actually think Shadow is Sonic, you're an even bigger fool than I thought." Commander Walters: "Shadow?" asked Commander Walters, before he sees Shadow next to Robotnik. Wade: "That is definitely not Sonic..." Dr Robotnik: "No... for he is something much better... my greatest creation... Shadow the Hedgehog... a hedgehog I made when I had my Master Emerald... and speaking of which... I like to have it back by tomorrow, or say goodbye to these little pests." said the mad doctor, referring to the remaining Mobian kids. Cream: "Don't do it!" Amy: "Don't worry about us!, you can't let him get the emerald again!" shouted Amy, while Robotnik had an evil grin on his face, seeing that the parents were having a hard time making a choice on what to do.

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