Road Trip

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Sometime after escaping from the house, Tom decided it was time to have answers from Sonic and Tails. Tom: "Alright, it's time you start talking, who are you two... and what are you two?" Sonic: "Um, I'm a hedgehog, isn't it obvious?" Tails: "I'm a fox." Sonic: "And we're both in big trouble." Tom: "You're in big trouble, you're not the one who punched some government weirdo back there!" Sonic: "You think that you got problems, I lost my rings!" Tom: "Rings... you mean that golden circle thing that sort of opened some portal on my garage's floor?" Sonic: "Yes, they're used to open portals in order to travel worlds, and now mine are on top of some tower that I only saw on your shirt." Tom: "You mean the Transamerica Pyramid at San Francisco?" Tom: "Yeah, so I want you to take me there so Tails and I can get to the Mushroom planet before we get caught." Tom: "Why should I take you there?" Sonic: "Because Tails and I have no idea where it is, and it was your fault that I lost them in the first place as you shot me!" Tails: "And me too!" Tom: "Okay... that's a good point... and to be honest... I was going there myself anyway." Sonic: "Great, then take us there, please..." Tom: "Well... I guess that I have no choice, do I?" Sonic: "Nope... I'm Sonic by the way." Tails: "And Tails for me." Tom: "Sonic... Tails... cool names... I'm Tom Wachowski." Sonic: "Hmm... I like Doughnut Lord better." Tom: "Well that was the name my parents gave me... just like how yours did." Sonic: "Actually... I never knew my parents... they passed away when I was a baby... and I lost my guardian when I came to this world 10 years ago..." Tails: "And my parents abandoned me here when I was little before Sonic took me in..." Tom: "Oh... that's a tough break... sorry to hear that..." Sonic: "It wasn't too bad... I managed to take care of myself, and got Tails with me now, while living here and watching the people of Green Hills, which I still find it a really awesome place to live in." Tom: "Wait... you've been watching me and everyone in Green Hills for 10 years?" Sonic: "Well I couldn't reveal myself without attracting some unwanted people that would go after my power." Tails: "Same for me." Tom: "What power is that?, your rings?" Sonic: "No, my power to run super sonic speed, which is how I got my name." Tom: "Okay... that makes sense..." Tails: "And my ability is to fly with my namesakes." Tom: "You can fly with your tails... that I gotta see..." Sonic: "But I feel better now, as not only am I gonna get my rings back, but I'm having first ever road trip!, whoo, hoo!" Tom: "Okay, but there will be rules, like do as I say, alright?" Tails: "Roger that." Sonic: "Gotcha." said the aliens, as they and Tom begin their road trip to San Francisco. On the way, they find a place that is home to the world's largest rubber band ball, and Sonic went out of the car for a second and came back with some souvenirs. Tails: "How was it?" Sonic: "Well it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, but the gift shop was cool though." said Sonic, playing with a paddle ball really fast. When night fell, they stop in a gas station, and Tom tells Sonic and Tails to stay in the car as he uses a nearby payphone to call Wade. Tom: "Wade, can you hear me?" Wade: "Hey Tom, what happened this morning?, there were these government guys and they reminded me of the man in black, only not so friendly or charming as Will Smith if you know what I mean..." Tom: "It's a long story, now make sure that nobody knows that we just talked." Wade: "Yeah uh... I think they already know..." said Wade, who reveals that Robotnik and his agents are searching for Tom and are with him in the station. Robotnik takes the phone and warns Tom that he is coming for him, stating how furious he is with the sheriff for punching him in the face due to it reminding him of a similar situation regarding a bully in his childhood that he had solved through technology, which put the bully in the hospital. After the call ended, Dr Robotnik leaves with the agents, with Wade warning him that he will inform people about this incident, which they ignored as they doubted people would believe him. Meanwhile, Sonic tries desperately to control his excitement over an extremely entertaining-looking biker bar, called the Piston Pit, but eventually caves in and went inside, while Tails following him to make sure he doesn't make a scene. Tom comes back to his car with a purchased meal, only to find both Sonic and Tails missing. He finds Sonic in the Piston Pit, wearing a red shirt and cowboy hat, while Tails was wearing brown shirt and a cowboy hat as well. Sonic: "Howdy partner!" Tom: "I'm not your partner, and I thought I told you to stay in the car." Sonic: "Sorry, but this place looks too cool to not go in, please let me stay for a bit..." Tom: "What?, like being here was part of your bucket list?" Sonic: "Wait a Mobian minute, what's a bucket list?" Tom: "Uh... it's a list of things you wanna do before you um... kick the bucket." Sonic: "I've never kicked a bucket before, better make one now..." said Sonic, before writing on a piece of paper that was on the table to make his bucket list, before getting a sad look on his face. Tom: "What's the matter?" Sonic: "There's so many things Tails and I wanted to do... but never done them before, and now we're leaving earth forever... I guessed that we missed our chance..." Tom: "Well... I guess this place might help ya to do so many things in a short period of time." Sonic: "You mean, you'll help me on my bucket list?" Tom: "Sure, why not, I got no other choice at the moment." Tails: "Thanks Doughnut Lord!" Sonic: "You won't regret this." Tom: "I'm pretty sure that I will..." said Tom, before he, Tails and Sonic went to have some fun in the bar, like riding the robotic bull or throwing darts for example, and Sonic and Tails both tried out a chilli dog, which they find as their new favorite food. Sonic: "Alright!, this has been really fun!" Tom: "Yeah, glad to hear that you're having a good time." Tails: "We sure are." Sonic: "We're having a really great time, the best time, what could go wrong?" as if right on Que, a pair of Robotnik's drones came to the scene. They were known as Orbot (voiced by Kirk Thornton) and Cubot (voiced by Wally Wingert) and they were robots that were the drones that attached themselves to Tom's car earlier. Tom: "Um... can we help you?" Cubot: "Yeah, have you seen a man with a pair of aliens that looked like a blue hamster and a yellow weasel like those two with you." this made Sonic to gasp in shock before looking angry by that insult. Sonic: "How dare you..." Tails: "Weasel?!" Tom: "Okay... I think we should get going..." Sonic: "No, no, it's okay, I can handle these guys." Tom: "No, you can't." Orbot: "Cubot might not see it, but I can tell you're the ones that Dr Robotnik wants, and you're coming with us." Tails: "No way!" Orbot: "You don't have a choice, what are you gonna do to stop us from taking you?" Sonic: "Simple... with this bottle." said Sonic, before he bops Orbot with a bottle, in hopes to knock the robot out when it breaks, only to see that the bottle didn't break or knocked the robot out at all. Orbot: "What are you doing?" Sonic: "What does it look like?, I'm trying to knock you out with this bottle." Cubot: "What do you think this is?, the movies?" Sonic: "Well not really, but they worked well in the movies." Tom: "Um... Sonic, they don't really work in the real world like they do in the movies." Sonic: "Really... oh boy..." Cubot: "Here... let me show you how to really knock someone out... like this!" said Cubot, before an arm comes out of the bottom of the drone, and throws a punch that was meant for Sonic, who managed to dodge and Tom was the one who gets hit instead. It wasn't long before the whole bar started to join into the brawl, causing a whole bar fight. Orbot attacks Sonic, but Sonic speeds up his awareness and runs around the bar, saving Tom from attackers and setting up sassy pranks and traps to end the fight, all in the span of the single moment before the punk leader can reach him. The fight is ended abruptly by Sonic's devices and Orbot crashes through the window wearing a wall-mounted bear head. Tom, Sonic and Tails flee the bar, outrunning the angry patrons. The three then spend the night in a local motel, and Sonic runs around the room enjoying himself with various activities. Sonic: "Good times..." Tom: "So tell me... what is this other planet you're supposed to go like?" Sonic: "It's no earth or Mobius, I can tell you that much." Tom: "Mobius?" Tails: "That's the planet Sonic and I originally came from." Sonic: "Anyway, the planet we need to go is full of nothing but breathable air, water and giant mushrooms and stuff... and soon a blue hedgehog and two tailed yellow fox..." Tom: "Well look at it this way, at least you and Tails won't be the only 'fungi', get it?" Sonic: "No... don't do that again..." Tom: "What?, I thought it was funny." Tails: "Oh... fungi as in another word for mushroom... bad pun..." Sonic: "Anyway... I really wish that we could stay here... and maybe finally having a friend..." he said to himself, before falling asleep. As Tom tucks the two Mobians in, he sees that one of the remaining items on Sonic's bucket list is to "make a real friend." At that moment, he hears a news report that features a warning about him, as he has been declared a domestic terrorist because of his actions in protecting Sonic and Tails from Robotnik and the military.

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