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The story starts in the city of San Francisco, where it seemed peaceful at first, until a blue electric blur zoomed passed the streets, while being chased by a red blur. The red blur was some sort of single pilot ship, chasing the blue blur, which was some sort of blue alien hedgehog. The pilot of the ship was a human with a mustache that wore a red flight suit and goggles with red lens, and was pressing a button that was shooting a laser blast at the alien hedgehog. That was when the whole scene froze, as if time itself stopped, before what looked like an elderly Demon dragon came to the scene. His name was Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), and he was a friendly demon dragon and the narrator here. Boney 10: "Hey folks, I'm sure you're wonder why this alien hedgehog here is being chased by a man with a mustache, riding on some sort of ship?, well how about we got back in time a little and everything will make sense." said Boney, before time starts to rewind until the scene shows an island in the middle of some ocean. The island itself was actually on another planet entirely, with palm trees, waterfalls, and even loop-de-loops made of soil. Boney 10: "This here is the island where the hedgehog was born, his name was Sonic, and he was a Mobian Hedgehog that was born with the ability to run faster than the speed of sound." said Boney 10, as the scene shows little Sonic (voiced by young Benjamin L. Valic), running around the island at super sonic speed. He had light green eyes and wore nothing more than a pair of white gloves and a pair of little brown shoes. It wasn't long before Sonic zoomed to a little hut that belonged to him and an old female Mobian owl named Long-Claw (voiced by Donna Jay Fulks), who is Sonic's caretaker, ever since his parents passed away in a flood accident. Long-Claw: "Sonic, someone could have seen you." young Sonic: "Nah, nobody saw me, I was way too fast, oh, and I wanted to give ya this." said Sonic, before showing Long-Claw a sunflower that he picked up while he was running. Suddenly, before Long-Claw could have the flower, a tribe of Mobian Echidnas that had masks showed up, and were ready to shoot arrows at her and Sonic. Long-Claw: "Sonic!, look out!" shouted the owl, before she took Sonic into her talons and flew off before the echidnas could hit them with their arrows. Before Long-Claw could fly off far away with Sonic however, one of the echidnas fired an arrow that hits the owl's side, causing her to fall to the ground. Young Sonic: "Long-Claw!, are you okay?!" Long-Claw: "Never mind me, Sonic, it's you they're after, which means it is you who must go." Sonic: "But Long-Claw... I can't leave here... it's our home..." Long-Claw: "It's not safe for you to stay here anymore, you must go to planet Earth." young Sonic: "Earth?, where is that?" asked little Sonic, before Long-Claw takes out a little bag that was full of little golden rings. She picks up one of the rings, before throwing it a little, and then the ring grew and became a portal to shows a place that was a forest and it was dark. Long-Claw: "It's a planet that's on the other side of the universe, you should be safe there for a while... now take these rings with you, if you ever get discovered there, use one to escape." young Sonic: "But I can't leave you here..." Long-Claw: "You have to Sonic, as I need to keep them away from the portal long enough for you to escape." Sonic: "But..." Long-Claw: "No buts, just run... and never stop running... now go!" said the owl, before giving Sonic the bag of rings, and the blue hedgehog had no choice but to run through the portal. Seeing Long-Claw facing the tribe on the other side of the ring portal, Sonic desperately runs back to try to save her, but the portal dissipates just before he can reach her, leaving him heartbroken and alone. Boney 10: "And that's how the little alien hedgehog ended up on Earth, as for that man with the mustache, that comes a little later." said Boney 10, before the story really begins.

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