A Dance Off In Siberia

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Back in Hawaii, Tom and Maddie were having a great time so far, but Tom can't help but feel a little worried about Sonic and Tails. Tom: "Hey Maddie, you have the feeling that Sonic and Tails might be in trouble?" Maddie: "Come now Tom, those two can take care of themselves, and they're pretty smart too, so just relax and spend time with your wife." Tom: "Uh... those are the same words Sonic said..." Maddie: "Well of course, he knows what he's doing, and he's got Tails with him, they'll be fine, I mean it's not like they're lost in the snowy mountains of Siberia." said Maddie, before the scene changed to the cold snowy mountains of Siberia, where Sonic, Tails, Cream and Amy were trying to walk through a snow storm. They were having a hard time seeing where they were going, even with the illuminating light from the little yellow ball on top of Cheese's head. Sonic: "Guys... I think we're lost in the snowy mountains of Siberia!" Tails: "This storm is interfering my gadgets, we can't navigate through through this weather!" Cream: "Oh dear... even Cheese's light can't cut through this weather..." Cheese: "Chao, Chao..." Amy: "And I can't see my cards well through this storm either... we need to find shelter!" said Amy, before Sonic sees what looked like a nearby bar up ahead. Sonic: "Look!, there's a place where we can rest for the night!" Tails: "Wait a minute Sonic, we don't know who's in there." Amy: "I think he's right, I doubt a lot of people here would like having outsiders in their place." Cream: "Me too..." Sonic: "Don't worry, there's some snow clothes hanging on that string, we can disguise ourselves." said Sonic, pointing at the coats and hats hanging on a piece of string. Once the bar's door opened up, the thugs inside see Sonic, Tails, Cream, Cheese and Amy in their disguises, and the sight of the thugs unfriendly faces were making the aliens very nervous. Tails: "Oh man... these guys remind me of those guys from the Piston Pit..." Amy: "The what pit?" Sonic: "Long story... anyway... Table for 5 please!" a moment later, Sonic, Amy, Cream and Tails were on their table, waiting for their food. Cream: "I'm amazed with those gadgets of yours Mr Tails, where did you get them?" Tails: "I built them of course." Amy: "Wow!, you got real talent kid." Tails: "Thanks, so what's with those cards anyway?" Amy: "My tarot cards?... well you see... long ago, when I was a little girl, my parents were magicians and taught me everything I know about magic and how to use my Tarot cards... before they passed away from a flash flood... Tails: "Oh... I'm very sorry..." Amy: "It's okay I managed, and Cream and her mother took me in too... as I was saying, these cards allow me to use attacks like summoning my Piko Piko Hammer, or allowing me to see future events, like your battle to save the town of Green Hills from that crazy man with the mustache." Sonic: "Was that how you knew me?" Amy: "Yes, the cards never lie, and I have to say that you were amazing... and handsome too." hearing this made Sonic blush a little, while Tails just rolled his eyes. Tails: "And you Cream, what's your story?" Cream: "Well... I was born with special powers... aside from flapping my ears to fly, I can heal myself and others." Amy: "It's true, she really can." Cream: "Yeah, and my mama was a baker... and the best mama in the galaxy... I hope she's okay... I mean she's probably worried about us..." Amy: "Don't worry Cream, we'll get back to her after to get the Master Emerald." Cream: "Well... okay..." That was when Sonic's phone buzzed, alerting him that Tom was texting. Sonic: "Excuse me, Doughnut Lord is calling." said Sonic, before he begins texting back. Unaware to the hedgehog, Dr Robotnik was tracing the call in the Mean Bean at that very moment. Knuckles: "So... this will tell us where the hedgehog is?" Dr Robotnik: "Of course, as it seems he has a phone, not aware that we can trace the call, what a fool." said Robotnik, before Stone took a step closer to whisper. Agent Stone: "Um... Doctor... why are we working with this alien?" Dr Robotnik: "Because that little space rodent is the key to something very powerful." Agent Stone: "Something that can help you get revenge on the space hedgehog?" Dr Robotnik: "Think bigger, it would allow me to create my wildest designs of my dreams... my brilliance wouldn't just be known on Earth... but the whole galaxy as well..." Agent: "Wow... only you would think big." Dr Robotnik: "Of course, no surprise there." that was when they finally pinpointed Sonic's location. Knuckles: "So is that where he is?" Dr Robotnik: "Yes... somewhere in Siberia..." Knuckles: "That must be where the compass is... we must go." Dr Robotnik: "Yes... now Stone, I'm leaving you in charge of the Mean Bean while I'm gone." Agent Stone: "Yes sir." said Stone, before Robotnik and Knuckles begin their leave. Knuckles: "So the Goat milker man will watch the place while we're away?" Dr Robotnik: "That, and there's no room for him in the Egg Mobile, so we're ditching him in a way." Knuckles: "Dishonor." Dr Robotnik: "Dis is how I roll." said Dr Robotnik, before he gets on his Egg Mobile and Knuckles jumps in. meanwhile, back in Siberia, the aliens were still waiting for their food when the waiter came with the food, but not what Tails ordered. Tails: "Hey uh... what is..." before Tails could answer, he looks at the waiter, who was really Cubot with Orbot next to him. Suddenly the story stopped rolling and Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "Now I'm sure you're wondering what these two robots, which belonged to Dr Robotnik that appeared in the first story be doing here... well after Robotnik disappeared, the two robots were kicked out of the government and were forced to find work elsewhere, and eventually ended up here in this bar in Siberia, which could mean trouble for Sonic and his friends I'm sure, right?, let's find out." said Boney 10, before he leaves the scene and the story starts rolling again. Cubot: "To be honest... I don't really know... food I guess... but not the kind for a beauty contest." Orbot: "Oh how I missed the days when we were working in the government with Dr Robotnik..." Amy: "You worked for that crazy mustache guy?!" Orbot: "How did you knew he had a mustache?" Cubot: "And knowing that he can be a little crazy?" Amy: "Uh... lucky guess..." said Amy, before Orbot pulls out a robotic arm from his side, and takes the disguises off of the aliens, which caught the attention of everyone in the bar. Sonic: "Uh... Meow?" Orbot: "I know you two!, you're the little aliens that got rid of Robotnik!" Cubot: "And it looks like they have some friends." Amy: "Well I'm not afraid of you!" Cream: "Uh... yeah!, same here." said Cream, trying to sound brave, even though she and Cheese was shaking a little bit. Orbot: "I believe we're the least of your worries now." said Orbot, as the aliens see that the thugs were ready to attack them, and they did as they tried to punch them but keeps missing. That was when Tails lost the map and one of the thugs stole it, before some more thugs were ready to toss the Mobians into the fire place. Tails: "Sonic!, help!" Cream: "Please Mr Sonic!" Cheese: "Chao!, Chao!" Amy: "Do something!" Sonic: "Like what?!" Cubot: "Nothing, unless you challenge them to Pivonka." Sonic: "Then Pivonka it is!" shouted Sonic, which caught the attention of the thugs, and the one who stole the map, takes out a music box, which begins to play some Russian music, and the thug begins dancing. Tails: "Is he... dancing?" Sonic: "Oh my gosh... it's a dance fight..." Amy: "A fight in the form of dancing?... interesting..." said Amy, before Sonic and Tails tries to dance, but were not familiar with the Russian dance, and the thugs began to laugh and started calling the aliens freaks and monsters, making Tails having the urge to cry. Sonic: "Why those..." Tails: "They're right Sonic... I am a freak... not only that, I lost the map and now we're about to be tossed into a fire..." Cream: "Don't say that Mr Tails." Sonic: "She's right, it's not your fault, and also if they see us as freaks... then let's get freaky." Cream: "Huh?" Cheese: "Chao?" Amy: "What do you mean?" Sonic: "Time for a new DJ." said Sonic, before he goes to the music box and changed the music to start playing the 'Uptown Funk' song, and it wasn't long before Sonic, Tails, Cream, Cheese and Amy began to dance to the music, and the thugs were amazed with how good they were. Amy: "Wow, this is fun!" Cream: "Yeah!" Sonic: "Boo ya!, just follow my moves everyone!" said Sonic, as he and the other Mobians and Chao continue to dance, while Cubot begins to dance too until he sees Orbot glaring at him. Cubot: "You gotta admit they're pretty good." said Cubot, which of course made Orbot face palm himself. Once the music was over, the challenger thug, who couldn't keep up with the Mobians, fell down and passed out, allowing Sonic and the others to win and took the map back, while everyone else in the bar cheered for them. Later that night, the Mobians were getting ready for bed. Tails: "Wow Sonic, only you could win a dance fight that epic." Amy: "No kidding, you were quite a dancer." Sonic: "You guys weren't so bad yourselves." Cream: "Thank you, Mr Sonic." Cheese: "Chao." Amy: "You know... back home while growing up, before I met Cream and her mother... I never had friends that believed in me... they saw me as a freak due to my ability to read my Tarot cards... some even called me a witch or a freak..." Tails: "Yeah... I know that feeling... before I got to Earth, my village used to make fun of me because of my extra tail... but when I met Sonic, my whole life changed for the better." Sonic: "Things got better for me too that day, cause I had a little brother and friend to hang out with." Amy: "You guys are really lucky... I wished I had someone..." Cream: "What do you mean?, you got me, mama and Cheese here." Cheese: "Chao, Chao." Amy: "Oh yeah, how could I forget?" Sonic: "And you got me and Tails now too." Amy: "Really?" Sonic: "Sure, we wouldn't have got this far without ya." hearing this made Amy smile, before she and Cream gave both Sonic and Tails a big hug. Amy: "Thanks... that means a lot coming from you..." Sonic: "Sure... now let's get some sleep, we have a big day ahead of us." said Sonic, before he and the other Mobians went to sleep, next to the fireplace. When morning finally came, Sonic wakes up to see that Cubot was sleeping next to him. Cubot: "But Dr Robotnik... I don't want to go to robot school today..." said Cubot in his snoozing mode. Sonic: "Okay... this is awkward..." said Sonic, trying to scoot away from the sleeping robot.

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