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"Why was I not told?" Georgie was pacing in the drawing room where she had requested Percy and Sylvie's presence. "Well, we assumed that's why you were returning, to attend the ball." Sylvie said playing with her hands. "And you didn't think to check? I specifically called with instructions for a quiet weekend." "Well yes, one did think it was strange, but then again you've always done things your way." Percy added. "So now.. I have a Hollywood actor in my house, having to attend an ancient ball because I happened to choose this weekend to show him my family home?!" She said flustered before stopping and taking a deep breath. "I apologise. It's my fault, I should have checked. Would you be so kind to arrange for my evening gowns to be taken out of storage. There will be no time at all to get something new, and Percy, do we know of any tailors in the area that we could call in? The three gentleman will need dinner jackets."

Georgie returned to the sitting room where she had left a concerned Johnny, Sean and Travis. They had been served tea by the looks of things but she rushed straight to the bar pouring herself a small measurement of whisky and knocked it back. "So... the boss man has just been filling us in..." Travis began. "Look I'm so sorry, I totally appreciate this is not what any of us, me included signed up for. If you would like to return to London then I would completely understand." Georgie said turning and facing the three men who had stood upon her arrival. "Well I for one, was just saying how I doubt I ever would be in a position to attend one of these things and I'm game for it." Sean said with a comforting smile. "Yeah me too.. I swear I'll be on my best behaviour G. I won't let you down." Travis said reassuringly before Johnny turned to face his girlfriend. "See... this is just an experience for us all." Georgie nodded with a nervous smile. "Well you'll need full on dinner jackets, and I need to find a dress." Johnny nodded. "Where's the nearest town? We can go out and get suited?" "No need. Percy is in contact with a tailor, he's bringing a range over. He will be here within two hours." Georgie said before hearing her Aunt giving orders to the staff outside the room. "And here's the real hurricane." She giggled. "Aunt Gladys."

"Well here you are..." the elderly woman said followed by her husband. "Aunt Gladys." Georgie said with a smile before slowly approaching her great uncle. "Uncle William." He kissed both her cheeks before she gestured to her guests. "This is Mr Depp, Mr Betts and Mr McGivern." Johnny stepped forward and greeted the couple before Sean followed, and then Travis bowed to Gladys. "Your royal highness." Making Georgie smirk and Johnny's eyes widened. "Oh there's no need to be too formal. Beside this one ranks above me these days." Gladys said sweetly greeting Travis, "Now somebody mentioned tea." Bill said with a smile walking further into the room. "Do you gents care to join us? It's been a while since I got acquainted with my great niece." The four sat down nervously on the chairs surrounding the large coffee table in the middle of the room.

A while later the group were laughing together as if they had known one another a lot longer than a few hours. "And you boy.. you've served?" William asked Travis. "Yes sir. I was in the marines before I fell into security." "That's admirable. I'm a naval man myself." "Darling, have you heard from your mother?" Gladys asked. "No not unless you count the postcard from Bali just over two months ago." "A postcard? In this day and age?" Gladys said shocked. "Yes. Still it's for the best isn't it. That she's out the way?" Georgie said awkwardly. "Certainly. So now. I must ask..." Gladys leaned into her niece. "What is the arrangement here?" "Arrangement?" Georgie asked. "Well there are three chaps and only one of you." "Oh.." Georgie said blushing. "Johnny and I.. well we are. Umm. I suppose we are, courting?" Gladys smiled "Goodness, and how on earth did that come about?"

A Night To Remember Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora