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"It's wonderful to have you back Lady Chatham. I'm sure you'll find the household exactly as you requested. Of course the limited staffing have changed things ever so slightly but I'm sure you and your guests will be very comfortable." The butler said as he welcomed Georgie and Johnny through the main doors of the large Manor House. "Thank you Percy. It's wonderful to be back. Mr Depp, Mr Betts and Mr McGivern will be staying with us for the weekend, I trust you can show Mr Betts and Mr McGivern here to their rooms?" "Certainly Mam, and I do believe Sylvie is preparing tea in the drawing room." "Thank you." Georgie smiled and led the way to the drawing room with Johnny following, as Sean and Travis were shown up the grand staircase to the guest wings.

Johnny was in awe. He knew Georgie was extremely nervous, she was fidgeting the entire drive from London to the stately family home. She had dressed in more formal attire, and he had to admit he secretly liked it. He even found himself admiring her dainty well polished English accent she had so easily fallen back into after arriving at the home. As he followed behind her, they walked through the large house, and he admired the various artworks on the wall, but most importantly his girl, who was dressed immaculately and always blew him away.

"Lady Chatham! Welcome home." A housekeeper smiled and then informally wrapped Georgie in a bone crushing hug. "Sylvie, it's wonderful to see you again. How are you? How are your delightful grandchildren? Seb, William and little Henry?" "You remembered! They are doing so well, Seb will be taking his exams soon." "Goodness, that's fast approached hasn't it." Georgie said before turning to Johnny, who was wearing his trusty fedora, shirt, waistcoat and jeans. "Sylvia Thomas, this is our guest for the weekend, Mr John Christopher Depp the second, Johnny, this is the housekeeper Sylvie." Johnny quickly greeted the woman before, she excused herself after declaring tea was on the table. She left the room closing the door and Georgie sighed before wandering over to the nearby window and admiring the view, before finding a spot on the desk to perch on.

 She left the room closing the door and Georgie sighed before wandering over to the nearby window and admiring the view, before finding a spot on the desk to perch on

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"So this is the other side of me..." she said quietly. "It's quite different, I'll give you that." Johnny said sitting down in a nearby chair. "Good different or bad different?" Georgie asked inquisitively. "Well you're so put together, it's like you were born for this life. I'd never guess a mere few months ago you'd be a big groupie at my rock concert." Georgie shrugged. "You know how when you go on set you've got your game face, the character to loose yourself in?" Johnny nodded rubbing his chin. "Well this is like that. None of this means anything, not really. Years of tradition and protocol, all wrapped up with a pretty title, but what matters is in here." Georgie gestured to her heart. "And I'm so much more than a deed that's worth millions and a title." "You are." Johnny happily agreed. "So that's why I don't let many people into this side of things." "Well I feel very honoured." Johnny said. "Now, would you care for some tea or shall I get you something from the bar?" Georgie said with a smile nodding her head towards the bar in the corner. Johnny smiled "I think I'll live like the high life for a while. Tea please." He chuckled and Georgie stood, daintily sitting in the chair opposite him and leaning over the table to pour the tea.

"So that's your day?!" "Pretty much. If I stayed here. Breakfast, followed by daily correspondence, the house is extremely old, it requires a lot of upkeep, then there is the society's and committees that we've inherited from my grandmother's well positioned memberships and hard work throughout the years, I could be at a function every day. Then there's the horses. Tea, then readying for dinner, before you know it the days could dwindle away and I would never have done anything that productive." Johnny just nodded before asking "So who does all that now?" "I have a wonderful team, and Aunt Gladys fills in when she can. She was my grandfather's sister, she has played the role her whole life. She's happy to help but she's not getting much younger so soon I'll have to face facts." "You'll have to give up the day job?" "Yes, maybe not live here I mean let's face it, it's not exactly appealing for a young lady to be living here in the sticks by herself but I'll be needed at engagements and events throughout the year once Gladys can't do it anymore."

"So that's my great great great great grandfather, Earl of Canterbury, terrible scandal, he married a girl who was only just 18, and who was deemed below him. She produced an heir but apparently nobody ever recognised him until his father died unexpectedly and he had to assume responsibility for the estate." Georgie was guiding Johnny around the large picture gallery where various portraits of ancestors hung. "This is fucking fascinating." He said before covering his mouth. "Sorry.." which made her giggle. "Oh please don't worry, I'm sure I'll slip up this weekend. I just like to at least try. For the staff's sake, it must seem very irritating that they go to all this effort for somebody who doesn't really appreciate it, hence why I go a little over the top with them." "It shows how much they mean to you doll."

"Sir!!!" "WHAT??" Johnny opened the door completely flustered as he tried his best to navigate his tie that was failing to co-operate. "When Georgie says dress for dinner. What exactly did she mean?" Travis said impatiently. "Well exactly that. Dress for dinner. I don't think she expects you to arrive in your sweats." "So what like a DJ?" "I guess so, funnily enough I've not recently dined with British aristocracy!!" Johnny said as Sean also entered the room and began buttoning his own shirt. "Sir, you're wearing a suit?" "I am, she told me to pack informal, so I did?" "How is a tailored three piece fucking informal??!" Travis gasped noticing. "Well she picked it out.. so how am I meant to know, now would you kindly both fuck off so I can finish getting ready?" "Where is G anyway?" "She's finishing something with one of the member's of staff. Some paperwork or something." The two security nodded before leaving the suite.

A short while later, Georgie was sat at the desk in the large study glancing over papers when three very well dressed men stumbled through the door startling her. "Gracious." She said with a hand on her chest. "You've dressed for dinner all ready? How very thoughtful of you...." Johnny noticed the strange look he was getting from Percy The Butler before Georgie said "Percy, would you inform the kitchen that we will dine earlier than usual this evening?" "Very well madam." The butler said retreating as Georgie stood, "How about you three occupy yourself in the drawing room with some of that fine whiskey, I'm just going to freshen up." They nodded as she reminded them where the room was before heading up the staircase herself.

"Well I'm not sure that went as planned boss..." Sean smirked as they sipped slugs of the drink.

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