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The gig was incredible. Georgie and her friend Bella were so excited to have got front row tickets at the Hollywood Vampires concert. They practically lost their voices singing and cheering all night long, so when the lights went up and the band eventually left the stage they were thrilled and high on life to say the least.

"Are you sure you're gonna stay and try and get that thing to him?" Bella asked, "Yes! It took me ages to make and besides Auntie Jenn said she has already spoken with Gina about getting me backstage so I don't want to not show up." "Ok well I've got to go. Tom is waiting for me..." "Yeah yeah go get laid.. see ya!" They hugged one another and Georgie walked over to a steward. "Excuse me, do you know where I could find Gina Deuters?" The beefy steward rolled his eyes. "Let me guess your her best friend and only want to sneak back stage for a moment." "Umm no I just need to speak to her, she promised she would take something from me. A gift." The steward looked like he couldn't care what Georgie was saying but nudged his colleague who wandered off, eventually a glam looking woman arrived escorted by the steward. "Georgie? Georgie Peters? Goodness I've not seen you in years." "I'm sorry, have we met?" "You probably don't remember me, I was at your Auntie Jennifer's wedding. You were a tiny flower girl." "Ha, that's right, my god, you look way too young to be friends with my aunt." "Ha well thank you, but I was only 20 when I first worked with her. I've known her years." "Oh wow, well thank you very much for doing this favour for me." "No sweat, I've heard you've been though some stuff and I know how much it means to you so I wanted to help. By the way, do you want to give him your gift yourself?" "WHAT?" Georgie asked surprised. "Yeah he's backstage now in his dressing room, if you don't mind waiting I'm sure he would love to thank you personally." "Ummm sure I've got nowhere to be tomorrow, thank you. I would love that," "ok follow me.... She's with me." Gina said the last sentence sternly to the steward who tried to block Georgie's way.

Gina led the way backstage down a long corridor, her heels clicking along the clinic like flooring until they arrived at a row of dressing rooms with some plastic chairs opposite, "wait here and I'll let him know you're here. Bare with me though he's not the most punctual." "Honestly no problem, I just really appreciate everything you're doing." Gina disappeared into a dressing room and returned a while later. "Sorry post show debrief. He's a firm believer in always room for improvement. He's just showering up and he will be out. I'm heading off now I need to get to the after party. It was lovely seeing you again and remember what I said to your aunt if you still want a career in my game let me know. I'll be happy to help." Georgie hugged the glam woman goodbye and sat back down smiling. Johnny Depp was the other side of that door showering. She practically combusted at the thought of him coming out to meet her. She held tightly to the scrapbook she had made. It was an incredibly cheesy gift but it was personal. As a fellow survivor of domestic violence she knew how much his battles meant to him, he had inspired so many women and men to come forward and tell their stories and so many of those people had sent their stories to her to be included in the book. She hoped it would provide him with some comfort that even though his entire life had been dragged through the mud, he had helped so many people around the world. Georgie must have sat in the hard plastic chair for at least an hour before she text Bella to let her know what she was up to. She didn't care that her best friend was probably having sex, she was about to meet Johnny Depp.

After two hours and twenty minutes of waiting, Georgie stood up and stretched there was no way the man could still be in there waiting. Maybe he had changed his mind and snuck out. She stood grabbed her leather jacket and began to walk away when the door opened and the man himself came out. He had three shirts on, many accessories, dark jeans and black boots. His hair was pushed back with a bandana and he looked every inch a rockstar with smudged eyeliner "Excuse me." He said in his sultry voice. Georgie fully turned and smiled. She knew her cheeks were glowing. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm useless with time management." Johnny chuckled tucking a cigarette behind his ear. "I'm Johnny. Gina said you wanted to meet me." Georgie held out her hand and Johnny grabbed it and lent in kissing both her cheeks. "I'm Georgie. And umm no worries I haven't been waiting long." "Now Georgie, you're far too pretty to be telling lies like that, you were at the gig. Front row if I remember correctly. The show ended three hours ago." Georgie blushed and couldn't believe he had just kissed her cheeks. "It was an amazing show Mr Depp." "Oh thank you and please call me Johnny," Georgie smiled hugging the scrapbook to her chest. "Is that what you wanted to give me?" Johnny asked sweetly. "Yes, umm it's nothing really. Stupid actually, I just wanted to show you how many survivors you've helped by telling your truth and getting your story out there." She handed the scrapbook over and he opened the first page which showed a letter to Johnny that she had hand written. He read it slowly, learning her story, how she was also a victim and managed to escape, and how he inspired her to remain strong and get her truth out there. He slowly looked up at her and smiled "My god, this is wonderful, thank you." "You're welcome. I know when I needed comfort the most, knowing I wasn't alone was hugely important and I know you've closed that chapter but if you ever feel down just know you helped thousands of people like me." Georgie smiled and began to walk away worrying she had taken too much of his time already. "Hey.. where are you going?" "Oh I'm just gonna try and find an Uber to get home." "An Uber? It's nearly 3am." "Yeah it will be ok I don't live far." "Please. Join me for a drink? We are having a party at the hotel I'm staying at. Would you like to come?" "A party?" Georgie looked down at her outfit. Chunky heeled ankle boots, a short leather look mini skirt and her Hollywood Vampires band tee. She had her red Kate Spade over the body bag on her shoulder and her hair in loose wavy curls. She didn't feel dressed for a party. "Yes, I would love it if you joined." "Ummm ok.. sure? Do you wanna give me the address and I'll meet you there?" "Nonsense. Get a ride with me. We can get to know more about your story." Georgie blushed as he took her hand and led her down the corridor where two security guards were waiting. He introduced them to her before they opened a backstage door, he instantly lit his cigarette and climbed into the back of the SUV after helping Georgie in. "You don't mind if I smoke do you?" "No, no not at all." The woman smiled. They drove through the streets of London to a fancy hotel that Georgie had only ever visited for afternoon tea. They climbed out and headed into the private bar sectioned off for the band and their guests.

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