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"Stop fidgeting." "I can't help it!! I've never been on a private jet before flying to somebody's island!!" Georgie said smirking. They were flying from LA to The Bahamas where Johnny's privately owned island was. "You've got to relax doll." "Relax?? How can I relax? This is insane!" The woman giggled. "Insane?" Johnny raised an eyebrow. "Six weeks ago, I was at your gig. Now I'm on a private jet flying to your island. What's normal about it?" "I think you've had too much champagne. You're giddy." Johnny chuckled resuming his sketching. "And I think you're too humble..." Georgie said looking out the window at the passing clouds. "Doll you're on vacation... try and relax." "Technically not a vacation as I'm still on call." "Ahhh would be a shame if I turn the WiFi off... and what with the signal being rubbish there too." He said poking his tongue out at the woman who rolled her eyes giggling.

An hour later Johnny stood. "Come with me..." he held his hand out subtly and her eyes widened. She looked around. His two security were up the front of the plane seated with their backs to the pair and it looked as if they had headphones on. "Come on.." Johnny encouraged. She took his hand and allowed to lead her to the rear of the plane where there was a small cabin. He shut the door behind them and she spun on the spot. "A bed? Whatever for Mr Depp?" She said cheekily. "Because... I never got to introduce you to the mile high club on tour... that's the disadvantage of flying with the band. Now however I fully intend to make you a proper member." He smirked. Her eyes widened and her jaw went slack. "But.." "the guys?" He questioned knowing exactly what she was thinking. He opened the door again and shouted both their names very loudly. They didn't even twitch. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Noise cancelling headphones baby." He re closed the door and locked it before placing his hands on her hips. "Now... where to start." He smirked before kissing her.

The pair were laying naked under the loose sheet whilst Johnny's fingertips trailed up and down Georgie's bare back. "Have you had many women?" She asked nonchalantly. "What?" Johnny's eyebrows raised. "Have you been with many women?" "What sort of question is that? I'm nigh on double your age." He said smirking but she could tell he was nervous at the topic. "We don't have to talk about it." She said going back to staring at his tattooed chest. "Do you really wanna know?" He said quietly. "Not if you don't want to tell me.... Forget I said anything." "It's been a while... don't get me wrong when I was younger I was a fucking animal. I didn't really do the whole Love thing. My heart got broken a few times and then after that I decided nothing lasted forever. There were the exceptions of course. Then Vanessa came along... and that was me done. Well so I thought.. then SHE worked her way in, I still don't know how I fell for it. What a mug. After her, I vowed I would never get involved with anyone." Georgie nodded before trailing a finger over his tattooed bicep. "And you?" "Me? Have I had many women?" She giggled. "Well no.. yes, I mean have you? Are you that way?" She threw her head back giggling. "Nope. Never have tried that. And don't plan to." "That's a shame. You would make a hot lesbian." "Thanks.. I think." "You're welcome.... What I meant was.. have there been many men?" Georgie blushed. The truth was there hadn't been many. Not many at all. "You'll laugh.." Georgie said hiding her face in the crook of his neck. Why on earth had she brought up this subject? "No go on.. You know me well enough to know I would never laugh." "You are the fifth.." Johnny stilled. "Wait.. 5th? As in 5?" "Yes" Georgie said in a barely there whisper. "God.." "See I told you..." "Hey I'm not laughing am I?" "But it's awful isn't it? Embarrassing? Stupid?" "Doll.. its none of those things.. it just shows how much you value it... I feel even more honoured than before." He said chuckling and kissing her head trying to lighten the mood.

After round two of ensuring Georgie was well and truly now a member of the mile high club, Johnny sat up in the bed, and lit a cigarette, as Georgie began dressing. "What's the rush?" he smirked. "You said we would be landing soon." "Yeah.. but it is my plane. If we wanna stay in bed the entire journey, we can." Georgie giggled. "I still can't believe this is my life." "Well get used to the finer things baby.." she smiled before pulling on her dress. "Doll... can I ask you something?" Georgie turned and sat on the edge of the bed as Johnny blew smoke in the opposite direction. "Course.." "Your ex... what happened to him?" The woman immediately looked down at her hands and began fidgeting, she closed her eyes and licked her lips before looking directly at Johnny. "He.. He is umm living the other side of London, I think." "What? He got away with it all? Did you report him?" Georgie took a deep breath and Johnny noticed she was struggling "Hey don't worry it is none of my business." "No god course it is, I mean everyone knows every little detail about your ex, I don't blame you for being curious. I did report it yes, I didn't have much evidence, it was a bit like you, my word against his. There wasn't enough for it to go to trial though... the system let me down. In the end I settled on a restraining order and he took that and agreed to move away." "So thats it? He just left?" "Yeah.. for a while I thought he would find me but I guess he found somebody new to terrorise." "You did the right thing.." "What giving up so easily? I should have got a better lawyer." "No. By reporting him, at least it will be logged somewhere so if anything happens with anyone else, they should get him." "Yes true... anyway that is why I was online and so vocal supporting you. Victims need to stick together." Johnny smiled "That is a weird way of looking at it, but yes I agree." Georgie smiled before a knock on the door disturbed them. "Sir... 45 minutes until landing. The pilot asks you return to your seats soon." "Got it Sean" Johnny replied.

The pair arrived on Johnny's island late that evening, the sun had just set, but Georgie could see how beautiful it was from the limited lighting. "Thank you for bringing me here." she said leaning into Johnny's embrace. They were stood on the beach just in front of the main house. "Thank you for joining me here.." He said as he kissed her head.

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