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Beverly and Greta's scene

They got out of the school and started throwing their stuff in the trash can
-Best Feeling Ever
Stan said happy
-yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time
Emma held back her laughter
-hey what do you guys want to do tomorrow
Eddie asked
-I start my training
-wait what training?
-street fighter
Emma smiled
They had cross each other in the arcade lots of times
-is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?
Eddie asked
-Beats spending it inside your mother oh!
He rise his hand to high five Stan but he took his hand down.
-what if we go to the quarry?
The denboughs said
-we have to go to the barrens
Emma continued
-Betty Ripsom's Mom
Eddie said changing theme
-is she really expecting to see her coming out of that school?
Stan asked
-I don't know as if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in home EC. For the last weeks
Eddie said
-You think they'll actually find her?
A worried stan asked
-Sure, in a ditch all discomposed covered with worms and maggots smelling like Eddie's mom underwear
-That's freaking disgusting!
Eddie said with a disgust face
Emma look down imagining somebody else talking about Georgie like that
Rich got a little said when he saw her
-she's not dead she's m-missing
-sorry bill She's missing.
-you now the barrens aren't that bad who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?
He said while start walking but bowers came between him and Stan
He grabbed richie's backpack and pull it back making him crash with Stan
Emma grabbed him and helped him get up and bowers looked at Emma badly
While Patrick grabbed Stan's kippah
-nice frisbee flamer
-give it back
Stan said still in the floor trying to reach it
Patrick laughed an threw it to a bus that was passing by
Stanley got up while Blech burped in Eddie's ear
Eddie made a disgusted face
Then the three of them were walking away when Bill talked
-Y-y-ou s-s-suck Bowers
-You and your stupid gang
Eddie and Stanley whispered
-y-y-y-ou say something d-d-denbroughs?
Henry said looking backwards stuttering mockingly
-you got free ride this year cause of your little brother, Ride's over Denbroughs
Henry got too close to Bill and Emma like if he was going to punch them when a radio noise sounded Henry looked at the police that had made that sound (his father) and rewind a little.
-this summer's gonns be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends
Then he suck his hand and passed it in Bill's face
Emma made a disgusted face and Henry just looked at her and winked
She hated that and him and his friends so so so so soooooo so much
"All you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and a loser in life, and mean"
Then the bower's gang went to their car
-I wish he'd goes missing
Richie said
-he's probably the one doing it
Eddie answered
-i dont think he has even the brain to do it but if he had he would
Rich lauhed a little with Emma's comment

Ben and Beverly's scene

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