Saylor walked into the new room and was surprised by the content of the room. Saylor expected there to be some high-tech torture device but instead, it was a blank room with clothing racks and makeup. There was a knock on the door and Baylee stepped into the room. Saylor immediately embraces her with a hug.
"You have no idea how glad I am to see you," Baylee says. "The feeling is mutual... What's going on? What are you doing here?" Saylor asks as she pulls away from their hug. "I'm here to get you ready for a performance... you and Peeta will be doing an interview with Caesar." Baylee explains and helps Saylor into her dress.
" performance? I don't have a song... and why would they want me to perform? I thought they labeled me as a traitor." Saylor rants. "Look... they want to have you and Peeta be the faces of the Capitol... And let Panem know the Capitol is still strong. Your band is here and you will have one hour to practice... "
Baylee tells Saylor. "Baylee... is Finnick...? "
"He's fine... At least I think he is." Baylee whispered as she put on Saylor's makeup. There was a knock on the door. Coriolanus walks in. "OK... my work here is done. Good luck." Baylee says and gives one more hug then leaves.

Saylor is about to exit the room but Coriolanus grabs her wrist. "Wait..." He said and Saylor turned to face him. "Sejanus cut the security for this room. But we only have a few minutes." He explained then wrapped her in a hug. "Do you know how scared I was for you? Saylor... you need to tell them everything you know. That's the only way you can get out of here." He tells her and Saylor pulls away. "What are you talking about?" Saylor says. "Look, if you tell them everything you know about the rebellion I can talk to my Grandfather about getting you released." He explains, Saylor shakes her head. "No. I won't sell other people's freedom for mine. Besides, like I have said... I don't know anything." She tells him. Coriolanus was about to speak but then a beep sound was heard. "That's Sejanus... we should go. We will talk about this later." He said then opened the door for her. What's gotten into him?

After practice with her band, Saylor was brought into a room with Peeta and the Peacekeeper general walked into the room. "Listen. And Listen closely. Mess this interview up and you and your little friends will have one hell of a day. Follow the cards And don't even think about giving secret messages."
He threatens then walks behind the cameras where four other Peacekeepers are watching.

"Hello. Good evening. And a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Caesar Flickerman. And whoever you are, whatever it is you're doing, if you're working, put down your work. If you're having dinner, stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight...There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quarter Quell.
And here to shed a little light on the subject for us is a very special guest. Please welcome Mr. Peeta Mellark... and Ms.Saylor Odair..." Caesar introduces
"Peeta, Saylor, a lot of people feel as though they are in the dark. " Caesar explains "Yeah, we know how they feel," Peeta responds
"Now, so set the stage for us. Talk us through what really happened on that final and controversial night. " Caesar says.
"Well, first off, you have to understand that when you're in the Games, you only get one wish. It's very costly. "
"It costs your life." Caesar interrupts.
"I think it costs more than your life." Peeta response.
"How do you mean? What's more than your life?" other people's lives... Saylor thought as she sat there with no emotion on her face.
"I mean to murder innocent people, that costs everything that you are."
" So you hold on to that one wish. And that night my wish was to save Katniss. Yes. I should've just run off with her earlier in the day like she'd wanted." Peeta says with regret.
"But you didn't. Why? Were you caught up in Beetee's plan?" Caesar asked with suspicion.
"No, I was caught up trying to play allies. And then they separated us and... that's when I lost her. And then the lightning hit... and the whole force field around the arena just blew out." Peeta explains.

"Yes, but, Peeta, Katniss is the one who blew it out."
"You saw the footage."
"No, she didn't know what she was doing. Neither of us knew there was a bigger plan going on. We had no idea."
"You had no idea?"
"No." well he's not lying about that.
All right. Well, Peeta, there are many who find this suspicious, to say the least. It seems as though she was part of a rebel plan. Do you think it was part of her plan to be almost killed by Johanna? And Saylor what were you doing when Johanna knocked out Katniss... where you about of the plan?" Saylor looks over to the screen of her lines then squints a little to act like she can't read it. The guy behind the screen pushes the screen forward so she can see it.
"That's better." She whispered loudly then started to read off the screen. "No. I wasn't. I was just following my brother. He told me to trust Johanna so I did... I just assumed that's how we were taking out Katniss." Saylor responded. "Why did you put a necklace around Katniss's neck?" Caesar quickly asks.

"Well, I liked Katniss... And I felt bad for being a part of killing her... so I gave her my necklace as I guess an apology." Caesar nods then asks. "How does it make you feel that your brother is a rebel?" Saylor looks at the screen I'm not saying that...
She looks at Caesar and he gives her a look. I'm sorry finnick... "It makes me feel sick, that's not my brother we all know and love. All I know is that we were not part of any rebel plan." Saylor says
"We had no idea what was going on. " Peeta says passionately. "All right. I believe you, Peeta Mellark. Saylor Odair. Thank you... "
"Yeah" Peeta responds
"And I was going to ask you to speak about the unrest. but I think you might be too upset." He tells Peeta. "No, I can."
"Are you sure? " Caesar asks. "Yeah, absolutely."
"Thank you."
" Yeah." He responds then sits up straighter.

"I want everyone who's watching to stop and to think about what a civil war could mean. We almost went extinct once before. And now our numbers are even fewer. Killing is not the answer. Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately." Peeta says Saylor looks at him confused about why he is selling it so hard. Oh, Peeta... She thinks as she realizes his not pretending.
"Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately."
"Are you calling for a ceasefire?" Caesar asks
"Yeah. I am." Peera responds
Alright, you heard it here first... Peeta Mellark and Saylor Odair call for a ceasefire...
Stay tuned in because we have a special performance." Caesar says with enthusiasm while looking at the camera. What? No, I didn't. I didn't say anything.

After Saylor and Peeta's interview, they were brought back to the cell where all they could hear was Johanna's screams. "Peeta?..." Saylor whispered. "Yeah?" He replied. "Stay strong ok? Don't let them get to you. Whatever they are saying to you is lies" Saylor told him. Peeta looks at Saylor and nods.

By the way! >>> means changing from the Capitol to District 13.

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