Chapter Eleven: Death Lurking From The Shadows

Start from the beginning

"Sunwoo, hey stay awake. Sunwoo!" Min-Joo says as she taps his cheek.

As she tapped his cheek, Sunwoo felt oddly warm. Min-Joo lies her hand on top of his forehead, immediately retracting her hand away as the heat radiated off of him. Sunwoo was burning up. Earlier when they kissed she thought he was warm, but had just assumed that it was the heat of the moment.

Concern filled her mind as Sunwoo appeared to be in rough shape. She wasn't sure how to get him out of here. She couldn't pack him down the stairs by herself. It was already hard enough as it was.

Min-Joo reaches for her phone and dials her brother's number. "C'mon pick up the phone". She said with urgency to her tone. Finally after the fifth ring he picked up.

"Juyeon, I need you to come meet me at the rooftop. There's a friend of yours that needs help. I can't get him down the stairs by myself. Please hurry". By the panic in her tone Juyeon could tell that something serious was wrong. "Okay, I will be there soon. Stay put. I am on my way". With that he took off into the crowd of people.

Juyeon bumped into a few people causing them to give dirty looks his way. He apologizes before continuing on towards the rooftop. Just as he was about to reach the door someone stopped him, by grabbing his arm. Juyeon looks beside him before his heart drops to his stomach.

"Lee Juyeon? Is that that you? I kept telling my friends that I thought I saw you, but they didn't believe me. I can't believe it seeing you in a place like this. This scene doesn't quite suit you. How have you been?" Si-woo wraps an arm around Juyeon's neck. Juyeon slides Si-woo's arm off his shoulder.

"I'm here aren't I? I been fine. Now if you excuse me, I have to go". Juyeon's tone became unsteady as he could feel his body begin to tremble with fear. Juyeon was partially passed Si-woo when he was grabbed by his arm. Juyeon tried breaking free but Si-woo's grip was strong.

"We aren't done talking yet". Si-woo smirked. Juyeon freed his arm from Si-woo's grasp. "Well I am done talking". Juyeon wasn't going to let his bully bother him anymore. He wasn't going to let Si-woo control him anymore, he was his own person. "Since when did you get the nerve to talk to me that way?" By now Si-woo was pissed and Juyeon wanted to defuse the situation before it got out of hand. "You're drunk Si-woo go home. And you aren't controlling me anymore. I paid my dues to you. You no longer need me for your dirty work. We don't even go to the same school anymore. So stay out of my life. Sober up and go home". Juyeon stood his ground.

Si-woo's smirk fell from his lips. He took a step towards Juyeon grabbing him by the shirt. "What did you just say?" Si-woo was about to punch Juyeon, who put his arms out to protect him, but someone stopped his arm midway. Juyeon looks up to notice that the punch never came. He looks to his left to see that Sim Jake held tightly onto his arm.

"Let's not fight and ruin the party for others. You let my friend go or else we will have a problem. Now leave the party while I am asking you nicely". Jake tried playing the peacemaker between the two parties. He didn't want his party to get caught by the police.

Si-woo slowly takes his hand off of Juyeon's shirt and lets it fall to his side. "Come on we were just having a little bit of fun. It was a joke. This isn't over Juyeon. Remember that". Si-woo threatens. Juyeon sighs in relief as the situation deescalated. "Do you really expect me to believe that? I remember you used to torment Juyeon at our old school. You are doing the same thing right now. Don't bother picking on Juyeon. I won't tolerate it. Now leave, you're disrupting the party". Jake pointed towards the door.

"Juyeon, you go ahead and go. I'll handle Si-woo". Jake smiled as he reassured his friend. Juyeon nods. "Thanks Jake".

Just as Juyeon was about to walk away a fist collided with his lip knocking him down to the floor. Juyeon lies sprawled out onto the floor holding his face. A trickle of blood runs out of the corner of his mouth. "This isn't over Juyeon. Just you wait". Si-woo threatens as he is being dragged away by his friends.

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