that scheming little smurf

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Chapter 1

"Hanna Meghan Dabrowski you get back here right now!" I yelled, running around the room, chasing my little sister around the couch with a spatula. I had been cooking us both dinner when she came up to me all giddy, showing me her phone and what I eventually found out was an email from the show 'The Last Rose' confirming MY entry into the show.

"Congratulations Oliwia! You will do great!" She sang with a flourish before jumping up on the couch and deploying the illegal move of defending herself with her legs by kicking in the air. I stood in front of her trying to grab at her ankles with little prevail.

Huffing I wiped my hair out of my face that had gotten loose from my ponytail before sitting down in the chair next to the couch. "You are insufferable."

Getting up from her defense position and crossing her legs she just gave me a knowing smile. "Come on Liv, you really need to get out there, have some excitement for once in your life."

"Why did you do this? We could have gone for a road trip or something first." I stated, my anger slowly growing as the realization hit me that I was going on a reality tv show, one that had very little integrity. "You have to fix this Han, I'm serious, this is not up for a discussion."

Hanna's back went rigid, "Liv, I did this for you, are you seriously not going to take this as an amazing opportunity?"

My level of frustration and anger only grew more intense the longer I sat there, I can't believe she would do this to me. How is this my fault now? I was perfectly fine with my life. I had a great job at the local high school teaching history, and I had a cute apartment downtown–well, more like a kind of rundown apartment–but I was happy.

"Why do you think I need excitement Han? I'm honestly disappointed."

Hanna was my responsibility, and truth be told I always thought that I was letting her down, but for her to go behind my back and do something like this was crossing a line.

"Liv you seriously don't think I see you sneaking ice cream at night and crying–" Ok that definitely wasn't entirely true, "You barely had a college experience because of me, you have never really dated anyone, and now you are stuck teaching at the same high school I go to Liv."

I got up and pointed the spatula at her, "Han, I have loved my life, and don't regret a single thing I have done. You don't think for one second it is your fault, okay?"

Hanna hesitated, looking at me with a face of remorse and deep sadness, making my heart crack. "Fine, I'll retract it tomorrow."

"You'll do that now."

I walked back around to the kitchen and checked on the forgotten food. What originally was supposed to be spaghetti had turned into a black tar pit at the bottom of the pot. My heart started to flutter in my chest, and I could feel my heartbeat in my head. I could feel my frustration start to bubble over, and I knew that if I stayed in the apartment for one second longer my anger would be released on Hanna. I looked to where she was on the couch and decided I needed some space.

"Hey Han?" I asked. She slowly lifted her phone and lifted one eyebrow up, "Dinner is burnt, I am going to grab some to-go from Fangs."

As if everything that just transpired was forgotten she smiled and exclaimed, "Egg rolls and fried rice please and thank you!"

I pursed my lips, nodding my head before grabbing my jacket from the hook next to the door and walking out into the hallway. Taking the stairs on the left I went the four floors down before exiting our building and starting my walk to Fangs a couple of blocks away. Han and I lived in an old 'railroad' style apartment in New York City. My parents had owned it until they passed away, allowing us to live there without having to worry about rent.

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