"Can I see?" Jin asked, slowly holding his hand out for her injured one.

Minduelle looked over at Yoongi, knowing he was going to be pissed. She looked away once his eyes met her and rolled up her sleeve, Hoseok sucking in a loud breath of air.

"Okay," Jin nodded, remaining calm. "Jungkook, get me a bag of ice. Namjoon and Yoongi, go to the store and get a wrist brace. Just something generic to help. Unless," Jin looked up at her, making eye contact with her. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No." Minduelle immediately denied. "I can't." She shook her head, Jin nodding in agreement, making sure she didn't freak out again.

"Okay, Hoseok, can you make her a cup of tea?" Jin asked him with a gentle smile, Hoseok nodding, his movements kicking everyone into gear. "Come with me Min." Jin wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leading her to his room.

Minduelle sat on Jin's bed, like he told her to do before he went to the bathroom, gathering some materials that he needed to help her. Minduelle criss-crossed her legs and carefully laid her hands in her lap, looking to her side once something caught her eye. She reached out and gently picked up the RJ plush and brought it to her lap, hugging it lightly just as Jin walked back into the room.

"He's a good friend." Jin smiled, talking about RJ as he sat some things down on his bed, sitting across from her. "Did you wash your face in the shower?" He asked her, keeping a casual tone to his voice.

"Just with water." Minduelle nodded, her voice quiet, like she was ashamed. And she was. She hated being in this position. She felt like she was five. Five years old and she scraped her knee from tripping over herself.

God she was so stupid.

"I-I can do it." Minduelle reached for the hydrogen peroxide. "I just needed, the stuff." Minduelle drifted off once she met Jin's eyes. "Don't look at me like that." She whispered, her heart twisting in her chest.

"Please let me take care of you, Min." Jin persuaded, his voice tender and soft, making Minduelle want to curl up in his arms and fall asleep to his sweet words. "It's the least I can do for you."

"I'm sorry." Minduelle didn't know how else to respond. She just felt so fucking pathetic. God she was such a pain in the ass. Jin shouldn't have to be doing this. She was 24 years old and she couldn't take care of herself. She couldn't finish high school, she couldn't save her mom, she couldn't be there for her grandfather, she couldn't be a good daughter. And now she can't even be a good friend.

"Minduelle." Jin's voice startled Minduelle, dragging her out of her burning and crashing train of thought. "I know that look. I know what you're thinking." Jin pushed the first aid supplies out of the way and hugged Minduelle tightly. "You are enough, Min-ah. None of this is your fault."

"It is my fault." Minduelle closed her eyes, imagining nothing bad ever happened. She imagined she was on her bed at home, crocheting her grandmother another shawl, making her family happy. She had finished the chores her father assigned. She had been a good daughter. "I shouldn't have drank last night. I'm so stupid. I should've gone home after the museum. I'm just as bad as my father."

"No." Jin hushed her immediately. "You are nothing like him. You are the goodness that was never in his heart. You are your mother's daughter, not your father's. You and I both know that." Jin pulled her closer, her practically in his lap now, only being held together by Jin's love and his arms. "You aren't like your father at all."

"I didn't do anything to him." Minduelle cried, finally getting everything out of her mind. "All I did was walk into my room! He just snapped when he saw me! I was going to do everything he told me to do, I just wanted to drop my bag off and go back to Yoongi. We were supposed to have a really good day. We were going to go yarn shopping so I can start making Jimin the hat that he wanted and I needed pink yarn for a flower pillow for one of my students and it was all supposed to be good! And now I think my wrist is sprained and I'm supposed to have a performance tomorrow and I look like I just got out of a fight for my life and people are going to ask questions and people are going to try and investigate and it's all going to be so horrible! Everything is so horrible."

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