Ocean blue eyes making me drown, ones that I wouldn't lose even in a sea of people. Slicked black hair, meticulously pulled back, adding to his polished yet rugged charm. A strong jawline, accentuated by his well groomed beard and mustache. His aura screams raw masculinity, yet his posture seeps out a hint of sophistication.

Too suave to be a Mobster, but too terrifying to be anything less.

He was a different sort of pretty for he held a menacing charm to him. Like a gentleman, but with no gentleness in sight. Those pearly whites constituting for a smile so alluring, you wouldn't reckon how deep its plunged in raw human flesh.

One look at him and I wanted to crawl into the depths of my sanctuary. Another peek, and I could melt in his arms.

I blinked, like a bewitched child out of her trance. I took a step back. Eye contact is a dangerous thing, Arabella. He's the fire I aspire to be, and I've got miles to walk before I get burnt.

" I can come later if you want. " I manage to speak out, my throat quite dry.

I'm welcomed by the reassurance of the hush, it is what I desire but not what I need. This needs not to be stretched longer than we all are willing to accommodate.

I look up from my notepad, the man in his fifties has his eyes on me, while I have my eyes on the one who's having predatory instincts. Eye contact is a dangerous thing, I remind myself once again.

" Anytime. " I add. A sheer silence follows my apple voice, inflating the tension in the atmosphere.

" Anywhere? " The piglet decides to question.

Nowhere, and to never land.

" I do not quite understand sir, my apologies. " I offer a polite smile. Playing dumb gets you by.

Being dumb gets you killed.

" But you do. " He argues.

Yes I do.

" You're here. " He points out.

" Out of all the people, it's you sweetheart. " He reminds, raising his finger and putting it in a circular motion to enhance his point.

It only enhances his stupidity if you ask me.

" So maybe you do understand, given your willingness to be here. " He concludes.

Expensive fabric clocks his obese body. He reeks of an expensive scent. A watch worth 100 times my paycheck patches around his chubby wrist.

But if he wasn't all that, if he wasn't all about his money and he uncovered himself in my shoes, would he be saying the same?

I'm not here because I desire to be, I'm here because I ought to be. The lack of an alternative isn't apparent to him, but it retires a void hole in my heart, every time I'm conflicted with my actuality.

I blink back the tears, neglecting the indirect disdain. I'm not here for the contentment of his watch, nor to dazzle this wealthy man or seek a share of his richness for my services. I'm here to do my job, and out I shall be.

" I still fail to understand sir. My apologies. " I whisper, feeling self conscious now.

I swallow a surmount of raw emotions, all of them seem to be stuck at the edge of my throat. I feel the needle prick my esophagus as I try to gulp a sea of revulsion, I blink away once more.

Just a few more minutes and then I'll be out.

Away from his derogatory gaze, and sheltered from the dripping lust.

Capturing BambiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora