Chapter 29

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Damn! Someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed! Maybe I should get up before Anna comes to murder me. She doesn't like play around.

I don't understand how these people don't realize that waking up before 10 in the morning (and I'm already being too nice, the ideal time would be midday) is practically impossible. It's a crime! Period. I cannot function well if I wake up too early (before (12) 10 am).

You must be wondering why I am being forced to get up so early? Today is the day of the regional swimming competition that Chris and Sam will participate in. In fact, it's two days. Today are the qualifiers and tomorrow the finals.

What are these competitions like? I have no idea (but that's just me when it comes to life in general). One thing is right. I will never understand this obsession with people being masochistic and voluntarily putting themselves in pain by doing sport. Completely stupid.

What I know about this is that Chris will compete in two separate races, both using the butterfly technique but for different distances, Sam will do freestyle and the other two athletes who are part of the club team will do the other two ways of swimming, backstroke and breaststroke (as you can see, I know a lot about this matter). There is also the women competition and I think there is something that mixes different type of swimming, but halfway through Sky's explanation I just got distracted by thinking of other things (don't judge me).

Supposedly it's very important for them to get good times, especially tomorrow. They have to win today to be able to participate in an international competition and have a secure place in the national championship.

They must be feeling so much pressure. Especial Sam, who, unlike Chris, never had the opportunity to participate in the international and national competition because he got injured.

As fantastic friends as we are, we have to support them, right? That's why I'm getting up early today. It's nine in the morning, which is very very early. The competition starts at ten. If it weren't for Anna always shouting to get me ready, I would probably only get up ten minutes before ten o'clock: five minutes to get dressed and the other five to do a sprint to the pools and, when I get there and everyone starts coming at me for arriving twenty minutes late, I blame the number of people who were walking and blocking the sidewalks (which is not true), the delay of the bus (I don't even need to take the bus to get here, but whatever) and my lack of physical capacity . Done.

However, I live with two other people, meaning I can't always do what I want. Sad.

Honestly, the only thing that's giving me the motivation to get up is the fact that I'll be able to see Sky.

You know you're down bad when your only motivation in life is a boy. Do not judge me. If you saw him, you would be the same.

Now that I'm going to Germany in about two months, we've been inseparable. Sky wants to make the best possible use of all the time we have available together. This leads to certain people (Bea) feeling envious. Seriously. She and Sky are literally at war over me.

I get dressed and the three of us (me, Anna and Iris) go to the city's pools building.

One thing I'm certain of is that many people came to see the competition. The only reason we were able to sit on the bench is due to the others being already there and saving us a seat. I'm in shock. I never thought so many people would like this. But in a way I understand. Watching half-naked people is interesting.

The amount of people watching, the stuffy air inside the venue, the murmurs of conversations taking place, it's all making me nervous and I'm not even the one who's going to compete. Poor Chris and Sam.

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