Chapter 14

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The weekend passed very quickly. The last thing I wanted after coming to certain conclusions related to the certain feelings I have for a certain person, was to have to see that same person.

Here I am, leaving the building where I've been taking classes all morning. Lucky for me, Sky only has afternoon classes. The next exams will take place a few month from now and, as a way of resting, our tutoring sessions for the next three weeks will not take place. In other words, I'll have to see him less often this month. Only on Wednesdays and Fridays during classes.

For the first time, the universe does something for me. If I had to see that smile again, or hear that voice, I would go crazy! I swear!

The others still continue to bother me and try to encourage me to confess, but it won't happen. I'd rather suffer this way than be rejected. It hurts less, plus I won't humiliate myself in front of him.

I will not lie, sometimes I imagine an alternate reality where I confessed and he felt the same and we lived happily ever after. I probably need to reduce the number of hours I spend watching dramas on tv. It's ruining what's left of my brain. I already have a lot of problems and these romances only make the situation worse.

The reality is that I am a coward. It's better to stay here, waiting for my future billionaire husband to pick me up.

Yes, I dream a lot.

And because I dreamed so much, I almost ran into the front door. For God sakes! Where did it appear from?

Today is cloudy and the forecast is predicting rain in the late afternoon. Not one of the best days. It just makes me want to get to my apartment, put on my pajamas and get into bed. Seeing if I can get some sleep, as insomnia generally doesn't allow me to sleep that well at night.

It's annoying. Sometimes I reach the end of the day with a huge desire to sleep, completely exhausted, both mentally and physically, and when I think I'm finally going to be able to rest, I lie down in bed and cannot fall asleep. Instead of dreams about how I found my prince charming, or how I married Seungmin from Stray kids, all I can think about is everything I did wrong, all my most shameful moments, or I just spend the whole night stressing about things which, honestly, aren't even that important.

Insomnias are horrible.

Wait? What was I saying? Oh! I remember.

So, I'm now on my way home, having just left my university's building, going down the stairs to the street.

While walking, I decide to get my headphones out of my backpack, so I can listen to music during the walk to my apartment.

I don't pay attention to where I walk and I run into someone. I apologize and then go to pick up the headphones, which fell to the floor upon impact.

And that's when, when I get up again and look around, I notice the person that has been on my mind lately on the other side of the street. My heart skips a beat.

Should I say hello? I'll wait for him to look my way. No way am I going to start shouting his name in the middle of the street. They'll think I'm crazy (which wouldn't be a complete lie).

I wait for a few seconds, waiting for him to turn his face towards me, until, when he seems to be about to look at me, a voice calls out to him.

He looks back and I decide to also look at whoever called him.

It was a girl, I would say around two or three years older. She is smiling at him and he seems to return it.

When she's in front of him, she gives him a jacket that I recognize as being from his favorite baseball team. The same coat I've seen him wear countless times. His favorite coat.

After giving it to him, the girl stands on her tiptoes, puts her hands on his shoulders, and approaches his face, leaving a kiss on his cheek.

He just smiles, even when she disappears at the end of the street and he walks back toward the university's entry.

I'm not going to lie and say that what I just watched didn't hurt a little.

Who am I kidding? That really, really hurts! I just realized that I like him and now I find out that he already has someone!

The worst part is that he never said it! I thought he at least had trust in me as a friend and had no problem talking to me! Why didn't he ever tell me?

I feel like crying. But it will have to wait. I'm not going to do a scene in the middle of the street. Mainly because of a boy.

This doesn't change anything. I had already come to the decision that I would only be friends with him and that I would never tell him how I felt. So, this doesn't change anything.

I shouldn't be so upset. He is free to like whoever he wants. I'm just one of his friends. That's it.

No, Teresa! Swallow the tears. Wait until you get home when no one is watching you.

I turn my back and start walking towards the apartment. But unfortunately, I bump into someone else. This time an acquaintance.

- Sorry. Oh! It's you! Hi, Teresa – a smiling Chris greets me. Until his expression changes to one of concern – Are you all right? Are you feeling well? Did something happen?

- No! Do not worry. I'm just tired from classes. I didn't sleep very well last night. I was actually just going home right now, so see you around?

He doesn't seem to believe my excuse much. But it's not like I'm lying. I was tired and didn't sleep well last night. Although, suspicious, Chris decided not to force the issue (love him for that) – Ya. Go and rest. See if you feel better the next time I see you, okay? – he ruffles my hair and gives me a hug.

I'm telling you, that was a close call. I almost started crying in front of this boy. I really needed that hug.

Next chapter...

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