Chapter 27 (Sky's pov)

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- Ok. We will continue this subject next class. It's on Monday, right? It's just that with this change of classes and the amount of work I have, I'm getting completely confused with the days. Ok. So, I see you on Monday – and with this, the anatomy professor finishes class.

Supposedly, today is Saturday. Supposedly, I wasn't supposed to have classes. But here I am, on a Saturday, having classes.

My professor had to cover some extra shifts at the hospital, not being able to attend yesterday's class. So, she decided to replace it and give it today.

It hurt having to get up at seven in the morning on a Saturday and walk past Justin's room and hear him snoring. It hurts! A lot! I would also like to be able to sleep a little longer!

I don't know how, Lewis and Felix were already awake. Psychopaths. It's the only possible explanation. How come you have a completely free day and the first thing you do is wake up super early to go for a run? Idiots. At least they made me coffee (probably the only useful thing they've ever done in their lives).

If it weren't for the coffee, I would never have made it through the two hours of anatomy. Normally, I try to be attentive during classes. I try to be an exemplary student, you know. However, today, a Saturday, and having to wake up in the early hours of the morning, it's just not possible.

Furthermore, it is simply impossible to get yesterday out of my head.

THERESA KISSED ME! You heard that right!

Yesterday was a historic day! It still doesn't feel like reality. Theresa agreed to be my girlfriend! I'm in heaven!

I was thinking about sending her a good morning text, but after much self-discussing, I came to the conclusion that she probably wouldn't be up until noon at the earliest, so I decided against it.

- Are you going home now? – Elliot, one of my friends from my major asks me.

- Ya! I just want to get home and stretch out in bed.

- I wanted that too, but I've already agreed with Jaden and Mark to go play League of Legends at Mark's house. Do you want to come?

Going to play with them means only getting home at night. And I was still hoping to spend some time with a certain girl, so I better not go.

- I can't today, man. After the nap I have plans (or let's believe so).

Before Elliot can say anything else, his phone beeps.


- You got in? In what? – what is this guy talking about here?

- I applied to go on the exchange program next semester!

Oh! I get it now! Today's the day that the results came out. I had already forgotten.

- Congratulations, man!

- Thanks! – we are interrupted by his phone receiving a call – I have to go. They're already calling me. Look, next time you have to come play and without excuses, understood? And bring Felix too! And Chris!!

- Ok! Got it! Next time I'll go.

And with that, Elliot disappears down the hall.

Now, home....

... Or not.

My phone starts ringing and I see it's a call from Felix. Speaking of the devil!

- Hey. What do you want, Lix?

- Is your class over already?

- Yes, why?

- We all came to see Sam and Chris training. Come meet us at the pools.

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