Chapter 22

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- I hope you study this very well at home, as it is very important for what I will teach you next week, understood? Well, I hope you have good weekend.

And another week done. I pack my things, while Sofia waits for me impatiently at the door. We left the room and started walking through the building's corridors.

- You know, Theresa? Yesterday, I received some very interesting information.

Interesting? I don't know why, but I feel like I already know what she's going to say.

- What kind of information? – I try to look as innocent as possible. However, I doubt that Sofia is believing my act, just by the half smile that her lips form and her accusing look.

- That a certain person had an outing with another certain person yesterday. An outing that my sources described as romantic. And I was a bit shocked, since that first person didn't tell me personally about that outing. Or whatever that might mean.

- A certain person what? – interrupts Anna, having just left a classroom we passed.

- It was Bea, wasn't it?

It was obvious that she was going to tell the others. I saw it straight away from the look she gave me when I entered the bakery, laughing like a fool while Sky was telling me a story. I even signaled her not to say anything, but I should have known that it was impossible for her to keep this from the others.

- Actually, she wasn't the first to tell me. But that's not the important thing. You didn't deny anything! In other words, it's true! Are you going to tell me what happened?

- Hey! I also want to know!

And that's why I find myself, right at this moment, trying to think about how to translate what happened yesterday into words. All I remember was the successive heart attacks and respiratory arrests I suffered (shoking). It was simply fantastic. If I thought I couldn't like him more, I was wrong.

- I don't even know where to start!

- You can start by telling us what you said at the bakery the other day. I don't know if you noticed, but all you told me when I asked you what happened was that you needed a little time to recover and you asked me to see if he had told the other boys anything – Anna grips on my shoulders – RECOVER FROM WHAT, GIRL? TOLD WHAT? I want explanations! Details!

She's right. I probably should have told them what had happened. But at the time, I was scared of what would come after the conversation with Sky and I didn't want to be telling them what had happened and them either giving me hope or waking me up to reality and me being disappointed in the end anyway. I wanted to have everything figured out before I told them anything.

Honestly, I would feel a bit embarrassed when they asked what Sky and I would be. I didn't even give the guy a chance to discuss it with me. It's also not like I can tell them much about what kind of relationship we have right now.

- So, in short, I kinda admitted that I was ignoring him... because I saw him with someone else... because I liked him.

They look at me with their mouths so open, they almost hit their jaws on the floor.

- You? You admitted to liked him? First? – I nod my head. I don't think I like the way Sofia is doubting my abilities (can I blame her, though? no) – And what did he say next?

- That he liked me too – and, no longer able to contain it, I start to smile like a crazy person, the other two still completely shocked. They looked like two statues in the middle of the corridor.

- And then?

- Then, Bea kicked us out so she could close the bakery, and I fled home with Iris.

- And there is our Theresa – comments Anna, while Sofia slaps forehead. Don't judge me. It was a lot for me. I needed time to recover.

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