The Dirty Secret

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Time has passed on and you're finally on a first date with Dallas. He had messaged you, letting you know he was coming over before picking you up for your dinner date. This was the first time you guys were going out as a couple, and you were somewhat nervous. You thought it was gonna go great, but you also had a small amount of anxiety and nervousness inside you. You got ready and waited for him to arrive.

You heard a honk outside, and when you looked outside, you saw Dallas's motorcycle parked in front of your driveway. Your heart immediately began to beat faster when you saw him, his presence was so attractive and you were so nervous to be going on a date with him. You came out to the motorcycle, and he was standing there. He took his time looking at you from head to toe. At the way you dressed, the way you did your hair, and how you put yourself together.

You kiss Dallas. "I'm so glad we're doing this."

His lips met yours, and all of the nervousness left you in an instant. This felt good, having him kiss you like this. His muscles flexed softly against you as he held you in his arms, your bodies were pressed against each other, his arms completely wrapped around you. He pulled back and smiled at you, it was a genuine, happy, smile.

"Yeah, I'm glad too..."

He then got on the motorcycle, and he held out a hand for you to take, so you could hop on and go with him.

Dallas pulled up to a restaurant called The Golden Star, and you saw the words fine dining on the outside of it. The inside was classy, the lighting was dimmed and there was a romantic setting with a small candlelit table set up. He got off the motorcycle, he helped you off and placed a hand on your waist. He smiled down at you

"So, I hope you like this place, because I picked it out just for you..."

Your eyes widen. "I love it!"

He seemed so proud and happy that you loved it, his smile was contagious, and he seemed so excited to take you to this place. As you two walked through the entrance, the waiter approached you both and sat you at a romantic table for two, he had a lit candle in the middle, it was perfect to set the mood. Dallas sat with you and spoke as the waiter left

"So, I just have to ask. What do you want to eat?"

"I don't even know. Uh...Whatever your ordering I guess?"

He thought this was hilarious, he laughed gently, and he smiled.

"You're really giving me all the decision...well, I want to order something that you would like. So I was hoping you could tell me what kinda thing you're in the mood for. Would you care for some steak, or chicken?"

"Steak I guess?"

"Okay then. I'll order us some steak, how'd you like them cooked, medium rare or well done?"

Dallas spoke softly but he looked at you with a smile, his eyes were still fixed on you with a bit of a flirtatious look.

"Medium rare. Kind of like you." You grin teasingly.

This made him laugh, he enjoyed the teasing from you. He was used to you throwing those little flirtations his way, and he didn't mind it, in fact he loved it. He was a fan of teasing back.

"I see we're gonna play this game then, well...I think medium rare would be a perfect description of you as well..."

"I'm more well done I think."

You could tell that was obviously a false statement with the way Dallas smirked at you. He took note of this, you were always teasing him with his flirting.

"I look pretty rare to me...." *He teased

You grin.

Dallas smirked again, he was enjoying this back and forth flirting. But he also enjoyed the way it made you look at him.

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