The Party

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You were at one of Buck Merrill’s infamous parties. One where all the greasers and cowboys would go.

To say you were having a great time was a overstatement. Sure…it was a party, but it was…Buck’s party. Nothing other to do other than drink, stand around, or play pool.

You stood to the side, beer in hand. Just minding your business. Until a greaser walked up to you, charming grin on his face..

“What’re you doing ‘standin all alone, Doll?” he smirked, cigarette held between his lips.

You take a sip of your beer "Whatever you're going to try and do it's not going to work."

“Oh..?” The greaser asked, eyes narrowing. The greaser took the cigarette out of his mouth.

“And what about me is so bad that you can just assume I’m up to no good?” he asked, arms folded and a cocky smirk on his face. He seemed oddly more charming than the other greaseballs you seen before.


The greaser seemed almost offended. Yet..also interested. No doubt he was gonna try to win you over. The question was, how?

“Well, don’t you have anything nice to say about me?” he asked, taking another drag of his cigarette.

"Your charming."

The greaser seemed shocked. Flattered even.

“You think I’m charming?” he asked, his voice was surprisingly sweet sounding. The cigarette dropped from his lips, and he leaned in towards you.

“I think you’re beautiful,” he teased, running a finger lightly down your arm.

You roll your eyes. "You're going to have to try harder."

“Oh..?” The greaser leaned closer, he had a devilish twinkle in his eyes. A grin spread from ear to ear.

“Is that so?” he raised one eyebrow and looked at you suggestively. His eyes then looked around the party room, it was still busy…everyone else doing their thing. You felt…wanted by him.

"And I don't mean like that."

The greaser stopped, looked at you, and smirked.

“Then what do you mean?” he asked seductively as he stepped close to you, his breath hitting your neck as he spoke into your ear.

You shiver. "You'll have to find that out for yourself."

His eyebrows narrowed, he seemed more intrigued now. He wanted to know what you meant so so bad. He stepped even closer to you, he almost felt like he was pressing himself against you.

“Please?” he asked, his lips grazing your earlobe as he did. You could feel his breath hit your skin as well as the warmth of his body. The greaser was tempting you…

You smirk. "What's your name?"

“Dallas Winston,” he replied softly as he stopped for a moment to take another drag of his cigarette. His breath still hit your neck as he spoke..

“And your name, Doll?”


“(Y/N)...” Dallas said your name aloud and repeated it over and over to himself. He seemed to like it. His tone was like he was trying to learn a foreign language.

“Beautiful name,” he said, looking down at you with a smile on his face, though..there was something else too. Something more to him, maybe a sense of air of danger.

"Your's is a... charming name...."

“Why thank you,” he said softly as his voice carried a smooth and sexy tone. He raised that eyebrow at you again.

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