We tiptoed our way as we looked left and right making sure not to alert anyone we were gone.

After we were a little distance from the mansion, we took off running like maniacs. We didn't even know where we were going, but we kept on running. We ran, and we didn't stop until our lungs ached for air.

"We should be safe now," I said confidently. However, just when we were about to take off again, a brown wolf jumped in front of us.


He growled angrily, and I knew we were screwed.

He was going to kill us!

I took a hesitant step forward, but he snarled viciously. I braced myself in case he lunged but instead of attacking, he shifted.

"Thought you could fool us?" he asked angrily. Mac and Sean flinched at his tone. Mason turned to look at me and smirked cockily. "I've been following the three of you since you climbed down that balcony."

"Then why wait to capture us now?" Mac asked. Mason was about to reply, but he suddenly stiffened. He looked into the distance and growled. I watched in awe as he became a wolf again.

I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that.

I jumped in surprise when Mason lunged himself in front of us and started growling at something in the woods.

Curiously, we all followed Mason's line of sight. I couldn't see anything, but obviously Mason could, if his growls were any indication.

Suddenly, a wolf jumped out of the bushes. Sean and Mac screamed in surprise, but I merely watched as the wolf circled Mason. This would have been a great time to run.

Unfortunately, the moment I turned I felt hot breath on my face.

Another wolf!

It snarled at me and I backed up slowly only to find Mac and Sean in similar positions. We were surrounded by five wolves. Mason, realizing that he was outnumbered, turned to growl at the newcomers.

I felt fear knowing that my life was at their mercy since Mason would not be able to protect us and himself. Just as I finished that thought, two more wolves jumped into the clearing and beside us.

Great just fu*king great! We are dying here!

I heard a wolf snarling beside me. I slowly turned to see it, hoping it had mercy and didn't kill me. My gaze landed on a black wolf, with the most intimidating blue eyes I had ever seen. I froze in fear, but sighed in relief when it didn't attack me. Instead, the black wolf stood in front of us protectively. I turned to the other one and I vaguely recognized it as Geo. I sighed in relief when I realized that they were on our side. Geo and Mason sprang into action and began fighting the wolves.

My attention was once again drawn to the black wolf. He seemed to be radiating power. He was even bigger than Mason.

It jumped and attacked a wolf, easily killing it. That's when I noticed it lacked some vital parts in its anatomy, and I realized that it was a female. I watched as she gracefully killed another wolf and turned her attention towards me. I was entranced by her blue eyes and silently approached her. Oddly enough, I was not afraid of her.

I stretched out a hand and ran it down her black fur, and instead of growling at me, it whined softly.

Mason turned into his human form not seeming to care that there was a she-wolf in the clearing. Geo soon followed.

I turned to see her and was glad she did not even glance at them since her eyes were fixed on me. Mason left, but a few minutes later he returned wearing black pants. He tossed some to Geo, and then he walked towards us. He gave a long black shirt to the she wolf, who immediately shifted. I turned away giving her some privacy.

When I turned back again, she was pulling out some hair from below her shirt. I guess I wasn't surprised it was Jade. She looked extremely beautiful and sexy only wearing a black over grown t-shirt. I smiled at her, but she ignored me. I tried to help her stand, but she refused my help. I felt a pang of jealousy when she walked towards Mason not seeming to care that her legs were exposed to us.

"Take them back to the mansion," she said without even looking at me. I didn't understand why, but I felt extremely guilty.

"Geo take them," Mason said as he locked gazes with Jade. They seemed to be holding a silent conversation, judging by the growls and shakes of their heads. "They tried to run away," Mason told Jade as he turned to look at me accusingly. "Your mate tried to get away from us... from you." I winced when Jade stiffened.

Finally, she nodded and walked towards the forest with Mason on her heels. Mason threw a victorious smirk in my direction and left.

"Let's go," Geo said with a slightly disappointed tone in his voice. We didn't argue and followed.

"Umm...thanks for saving us," I said but Geo made no indication that he heard me as he continued walking. "Where are they going?"

"More rogues tresspassed into our territory, " Geo answered.

"How do you know that?" Mac asked as he looked at Geo curiously.

"Mind-link," Geo answered. Mind-link? What is that? As if sensing my thoughts Geo elaborated. "We have mental connections with the rest of the pack. This is how we communicate when we are at a distance or in our wolf form."

"Just like telepathy?" Mac asked and Geo nodded. "So what it's true," Mac whispered to himself.

At that moment, I understood. Mason must have called Geo and Jade the moment he recognized the dangerous situation we were in.

"Are Jade and Mason important?" Mac asked.

"Alpha and Beta," Geo answered nonchalantly.

"So Mason is Alpha and she is Beta?" Sean asked, clearly impressed.

"No, she is Alpha and he is Beta," I gasped in surprise. Now, I remember. They had said they were going to let the alpha decide our fate. Jade decided to spare us, and they obeyed because of her position.

"Does that mean she's strong? " I asked curiously. Geo nodded but continued walking, signaling the end of our conversation.

I took the time to admire the forest and to take in everything I learned today. I was almost killed by a rogue, but was rescued by a major asshole (Mason), who I can tell hates me. Then I am kidnapped and taken into a mansion where a beautiful woman decides to spare my life, and she later claims that I'm her mate. I run away from her and am almost killed...again! And then I'm rescued...again! Now I'm being led back to the mansion when Jade is probably fighting more of those wolves.

She could be killed.

At that thought, my heart skipped a beat. The mere thought of her death brought a sudden wave of depression. I felt a strange nagging at the back of my head, but I ignored it as I followed Geo.

Once we reached the mansion, Geo brought us some food, which reminded me that I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Mac and Sean gobbled down their food while I slowly ate it.

"When will Jade be back?" I asked once I finished eating. Geo looked at me with a strange grin on his face; it made me feel a bit uncomfortable. He had a knowing look that I did not understand.

"I don't know, it depends on how it all goes," Geo answered truthfully.


"Don't worry about it. She'll probably be back in a few hours. Now if you excuse me, some of us enjoy their sleep," Geo said as he left. Mac and Sean followed, but I didn't.

I waited at the table for hours, but Jade would not return. I wondered where she was. Could she be safe? Could she be hurt? Was she injured?

I eventually fell asleep on the chair just waiting and hoping for her to come back home safe and sound.

A/N: Thanks for reading! The guy in the picture is Sean :)

She Is AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora