The "Big" Boss

311 9 11

Word count: 5676

Alex woke up in bed, swiftly touching around himself to see if it was "dirty" again, as it had been happening a few times for the last two months

Although all he found was....nothing?

"Eh? Where is she?"

Usually he would wake up to the blissful warmth of her body hugging his, the past few months had been really fun, he got closer to the rest of the hotel crew, he was believing in himself more, and seeing how well Husk got along with Angel, it made him less worried...

He let out a sigh of tranquility...

Although this morning peace was quickly disturbed, as he felt the hotel shaking

He was rather confused, although this place was full of people who could easily shake the building (himself included), it wasn't a common occurrence

It shook again, more violently, which caused him to fall off bed

He was already quickly overwhelmed with both confusion and worry...

He walked downstairs, seeing Charlie panicking while muttering to herself

"W-why isn't it working?!, c'mon Charlie"
"Trust falls every single morning, a-and this..."

She was facing a huge mural full of papers, strings connecting each of her little theories, some strings formed a pentagram while others formed a heart shape, she was clearly going crazy...

There he saw Niffty, Husk and Pentious looking at Charlie

Niffty was just excited to see it while the others were...for the lack of a better term, concerned...

Angel arrived there and just flinched at the scene

Alex: "What the hell is going on?"

Husk: "She's losin' it"

Niffty: "She's losing it! :D"

Alex: "..."
Unamused, Alex just joined the worried crowd, although he was curious about where Alastor was...

Vaggie: "Uhh...Charlie? Sweetie?"
She said, just arriving at the scene

"You good?"

Charlie: "Nope! No!...not really! Haha!"
"I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working!..."
"We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings!!"

She gripped onto a piece of paper she was holding and then the hotel began vibrating again

"We only have a couple months left before the angels come- HAHAHAHA!!"

"And at this rate-"

Alex: "...So that's why i woke up to tremors..."

Vaggie: "Charlie, maybe it's time..."

Before she could even finish her sentence Charlie already looked like she knew what she was about to say

Charlie: "No..."

Vaggie: "To ask..."

She ran towards her and cupped her face
Charlie: "Don't say it!!"

Vaggie: "Your dad..."

Charlie: "Ugghh!!"

Alex: "Wait...her dad? L-lucifer?"

She slumped on Vaggie, she was clearly drained from all of this

Vaggie: "Honey...i know you don't want to but we need every advantage we can get"

Charlie: "HE was the one who let the extermination happen to begin with"
"He just had a meeting and said: gO AhEaD aNd kiLL eVeRyOnE"
"Gasp, That's it!"

See you in hell (Male OC X Niffty) Hazbin Hotel storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora