A showdown uncalled for

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Word count: 2900

Charlie was worriedly roaming the city, and arrived at the porn studio, she was feeling uncomfortable about going in such a place, but Vaggie held her hand, so she felt more confident to go inside and search, however Niffty interrupted the two, seeing a few messages show up in her phone, she thought it was Alex

But his phone was broken

So instead of him, it was Husker, it said:

"Niff, we found him, but we're in some huge trouble, just tell the princess to come back to the hotel NOW!"

After reading this, Charlie felt a sense of urgency

Vaggie: "What is he so worked up for?"

Charlie: "I-i don't know...but i have a bad feeling"

They rushed back to the hotel, though Niffty couldn't help but feel strange, like a part of her was missing, she looked back at the studio, something was wrong...

But she brushed it off, and kept walking with Charlie and Vaggie


Back at the hotel, Alastor found himself in a difficult situation, fighting Vox wasn't a difficult task, but being rained with holy bullets was another story, and he had already been hit, feeling the bullet burn in his stomach

Vox: "Heh, how's it feel old timer?"

Alastor simply laughed, despite his situation

Alastor: "I must say i'm surprised, did i scare you that much the other day on that little duet?"

Vox was clearly infuriated

Vox: "Shut the fuck up, you deer shaped motherfucker"

They tried attacking him, but he was swiftly deflecting their attacks

Alastor: "I suppose you don't wish to waste anymore holy bullets do you?"

Valentino flinched at this response, and Vox looked at him with an expression that said "are you serious?

Val: "What!? These things are expensive!"

In that little moment of distraction though, Alastor struck Vox directly with a tentacle, however Valentino saved him from falling with his red powers

The holy bullet kept weakening Alastor, but he would not give up easily...

While this happened, Charlie arrived, she was happy to see Angel, but extremely confused at this situation

Charlie: "Angel!!, thank God you're okay!, but what's going on here!?"

Angel: "They...i-i think they're after me, i don't know...w-we don't have time now, i'll explain later"

Charlie was still concerned, but seeing Alastor's situation, she did not hesitate to go help him

While she was going to help Alastor, Niffty met with Husker

Niffty: "Hey! Good to see you're still in one piece, but...where's Lex?"

Both Husker and Angel stared at her with sorrowful expressions

Niffty: "Guys?....where's Alex?"

Angel: "I....girl...i'm sorry but-"
"If those two are here then..."

Her expression changed to one of pure dread

Niffty: "You all...left him behind?"
"E-even after everything?"

Husk: "Niff...we didn't have a choice-"

Niffty: "Don't give me that crap!, you're all lame!!, how could you?! How could let my angel die!? WHY!?"

See you in hell (Male OC X Niffty) Hazbin Hotel storyWhere stories live. Discover now