Frustrating feelings

289 11 7

In the night, they were both sleeping peacefully...

However... Alex began wincing in pain, he moved around in the bed, but it was becoming unbearable, holding his head, he started pulling his hair from the pain

His wings spread out by instinct, stretching as far as they could, almost touching the ceiling, his entire body was trembling

He was breathing heavily, groaning out loud. It felt like his body was being torn apart... but the part that hurt the most was his chest

The pain wasn't even his...but it was so intense

It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts

When he lifted his head from the bed however, he wasn't in the hotel anymore, but in a forest, he heard quick footsteps, it sounded like running...

They were light, similar to Niffty's, but not as fast as she normally runs...

He looked around, seeing nothing...

Suddenly he heard a gun shot, a gut wrenching pain in his chest...he looked to the source of the sound and saw a small girl there, she had several bullets holes on her chest, visible due to the excessive ammounts of blood gushing out

He ran to her aid, holding her head a little high, he was still feeling a strong pain in his chest, but still wanted to help

Alex: "H-hey are you okay-"

He cut himself off, gasping out loud when he saw that the girl in question was Niffty...but...she was human...

She quickly sucumbed to her wounds, unable to say a single word, and died

Alex: "W-why isn't it working?!" He yelled, desperately trying to heal her

He blinked once, then twice, and suddenly he wasn't on his knees anymore...Niffty was gone, and he was back at that same spot in the forest

"What the...?"

He heard the same gunshot sound again a few minutes later, it tore through his ears, leaving a ringing sound in its' wake...

He could only run a few meters before being reset back to the same spot again

This time he was prepared however, and ran towards the same direction the shot came from the first two times...

When he got there, he saw Niffty running from someone, he could feel everything

Fear, anxiety, guilt, betrayal...


She was guilty of homicide, her friends of betrayal, they left her to die, either sentenced or in attempts to escape...

The world is an unfair place

Maybe if she hadn't met certain people in her life, this moment could have been avoided that's why i can't heal her

Alex realized something important...

This...already happened in the past

She was so scared...terrified, he never saw her afraid, it felt gave him goosebumps...

He was starting to feel useless again, she was stuck in this nightmare, and he couldn't pull her out of it

He still tried, pushing her out of the way, pulling, shielding her...but the bullets never seemed to miss, not matter what he did

It was fate already fulfilled, he can't change the past, especially if that past is only a memory

See you in hell (Male OC X Niffty) Hazbin Hotel storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora