I'm always watching

263 8 1

Word count: 3103

His eyes shot open, it was morning...

He saw the same usual ceiling, with red and golden decoration

He spread his wings to the side, a few bones cracking here and there, Alex let out a long yawn

Weirdly enough, he felt something wet on his leg, he looked down and saw some sort of substance stuck on his clothes...

"What the?"

He inspected his leg closer, it was kind of sticky, and smelled weird

"The hell is this thing?"

He looked back at the bed and saw a huge stain on it...


Leaning closer, the stain was awfully close to where Niffty usually slept, she had a grin on her face as she hugged his jacket tighter

Suddenly realization hit him like a truck




Rather perplexed by this, he slowly backed away, on his way to get cleaning products...and a new sheet

When he came back though, she was already awake, having the "dirty" sheet in hands

They both stared at each other in silence

Niffty: "Uhhh..."

Alex: "...."

Then...in a flash she took the sheet and ripped it to shreds

Alex: "Wait-!"

Then she burned it

Alex: "That was so uncalled for!"
He exclaimed, his voice cracking from sheer disbelief

Niffty: "It was NECESSARY"

Alex: "Why!?"

Niftty: "Cuz it's embarrassing!!, i was drunk yesterday!! I wasn't thinking straight!"

Alex: "Neither was i! I-"

A second moment of realization hit him as he remembered what he tried to do last night

Alex: "Holy...shit"
"What the hell did i do last night?"

Niffty: "Missed an oportunity!"

She crossed her arms and walked away pouting...

Alex was left speechless, not even he knew that he was this...horny...
After recovering from the shock, he just cleaned the bed and put on a new sheet on it

He walked towards Niffty who was, surprisingly, sitting by herself on the corner of the second floor

Alex: "Um?...sorry?"

Niffty: "For what?"

Alex: "For...disappointing you?"

She kept quiet for a few moments, then sighed

Niffty: "Y'know...you're the first good boy i like"
"I...never thought i'd like a nice guy"
"And um...yesterday, i-i don't know..."

While she talked, Alex just sighed in relief, he thought she was upset

Interrupting her little yapping, he gently grabbed her face and gave her a kiss, which left her dazed...

Alex: "Hey...it's ok...it's not weird to...y'know, feel lust"
"You don't need to justify that for me"
"I got your hopes up yesterday, moved too fast, and then you ended up like that"
"So sorry...i didn't think it would have that kind of effect on you, especially since i don't really consider myself attractive"

See you in hell (Male OC X Niffty) Hazbin Hotel storyWhere stories live. Discover now