The Rule Breaking Dance

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This takes place before either of them caught feelings for each other 🤭 ft Janis being an ass


Janis huffed in her room, checking herself out one final time in her black monochrome blazer. Tonight was the ball for the gods and goddess's, but really it was a chance for the immortals to look down on everyone else and flaunt their chained guard dog. Sunna. A part of Janis felt bad for Sunna, being kept on a leash all the time due to her powers, but since she married what was likely the olympus's most desirable man, she probably wasn't having a hard time.

Janis headed outside, walking past the house servants and out to the ballroom. The noise was deafening and Janis desperately wanted to bail. But Sunna has requested her presence here, so she had to comply.

She saw Sunna across the hall speaking with Frigg, a strained expression on her face as the intimidating goddess towered over her, two ivory porcelain dolls flanking her.

Janis frowned, recalling that life before brushing it off, refusing to revisit those memories.

"Lucy? Is that you?" A voice asked as Janis looked up, recognizing Maat. She leapt up and gave them a hug, making them chuckle.

"Oh gods how I missed seeing your smiling face!! Although watching you it seems you do it a lot less frequently Lucera." Maat said, poking her side playfully, their clawed hand clinking against her porcelain.

"Not much to smile about down here, I'm essentially a glorified babysitter." Janis said with a huff before continuing.

"I go by Janis now."

Maat raised their eyebrow in surprise.

"Breaking away from your past identity huh?" They asked, as if seeing right through Janis.

Janis's didn't like that one bit.

"I suppose so." She said vaguely, although a small smile ghosted across her face.

"I miss the heavens, I especially missed you." Janis said, turning to the immortal.

"If I had it my way, I would come visit you frequently, but you know how Frigg is..." Maat said, trailing off.

"Right, it's best to keep the peace." Janis said.

"Could you point me towards your studio? I would love to see what you did with the clay I sent." Maat asked as Janis's eyes lit up.

Maat, after discovering that Janis had an affinity for pottery, would frequently send clay to her while in the heavens, Janis always happy to accommodate them and make several art pieces for them to show off in their court rooms.

"Take a left past the double doors and head through the garden. It's the tiny shed in the back." Janis said.

She was thankful for the small private space for her craft, especially because Sunna's children had a tendency to destroy things.

"I made you something to take back with you, so please take it. You'll know it when you see it." Janis said as Maat nodded, stepping away and following the instructions Janis had given him.

Janis let out a breath and looked around, seeing Sunna had finally broken free of Frigg's grasp but was nowhere in sight. Janis then noticed the sun goddess's husband.

Janis glared at Odysseus, catching his high and mighty act and disapproving. Especially because the gods were eating it up. He was a charlatan, and it was only a matter of time before he was caught.

She felt someone tap her shoulder, turning to see Sunna. She looked elegant, presenting her best self in front of this badly disguised check-in to ensure she remained complicit.

"Yes your ladyship?" Janis asked out of politeness. Just because she was sent to serve here didn't mean she had to like Sunna (and she didn't) although she treated Janis like a person, and that was enough to earn some respect.

"I feel like i'm being surveyed, this doesn't feel like a proper get together." Sunna said nervously.

"Maybe it's because nobody is dancing your ladyship?" Janis commented and Sunna's eyes lit up.

"Right? It's so weird. This is supposed to be a ball, not a meeting."

Janis hummed in response, amused by her nativity. Janis didn't see how to help the sun goddess in this scenario, but tried her best to be accommodating.

"Your husband is over there." Janis said, pointing a ways a way from them. To her shock, a look of furry flitted across Sunna's face before being stomped out, the goddess turning to face Janis.

"I have an idea." A devilish grin spread across her face and Janis looked at her confused, but nodded at her to continue.

"You know how the first dance is reserved for the lady and gentleman of the ball? Well..." Sunna trailed off, holding out her hand while Janis scoffed.

"If you're trying to get me killed just say so, Odysseus would have me killed in mere moments for such a display." Janis said.

"You think he would try to kill the gift I received from the gods in front of them? Not likely." Sunna said, Janis biting her cheek as she thought.

On the one hand, she could wipe that arrogant smirk off of Odysseus's face and get Frigg to see how better off she was now, but on the other hand, she would have to dance with Sunna, and potentially risk her own death.

The choice was easy.

She took Sunna's hand. Her face lighting up like the object she was named after as she glided away from the crowd to the center of the dance floor. The band on standby took notice of this and slowed their music, playing a waltz song of sorts.

Heads turned and watched in disbelief and awe as Sunna and Janis glided across the dance floor. Janis flicked her eyes to where Odysseus was standing and bit her tongue so she wouldn't burst out laughing. He was so red with anger she could've cooked an egg on his forehead. Janis looked down at Sunna again and saw her beaming up at her, Janis returning the smile in triumph.

Janis being a smartass > anything else

Janis and Sunna one- shotsWhere stories live. Discover now