Phoenix from the ashes pt 2

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Shortly after the events of Phoenix from the ashes...

"Mama? Mom?" Aries sniffed as the door opened and shut, the two unable to hide the blood on their attire.

"Aries dear, could you give your mother and I a moment? I'm afraid we got caught in a popup pomegranate storm." Janis said, attempting to shield the child's mind from any scary thoughts.

Aries, being so young, bought this idea as a grin spread across his face.

"Pomegranate rain?! Wow, that's amazing Mom! I didn't even know that was possible!" The kid exclaimed as Janis shooed him away.

"Let us clean up a bit, I'll go out and catch some of it." Janis winked as Aries squealed with glee, running out of the main hall towards his room.

Janis let out a sigh of relief and turned to Sunna, seeing her face completely blank.

"What's wrong sunshine? you look like someone rained on your parade." Janis frowned and put her hands on Sunna's cheeks, her thumbs pressing gently into Sunna's face in an attempt to make her smile. She proved victorious when the goddess cracked a grin, taking Janis's hands into her own before speaking.

"I just, I can't help but feel that this isn't over. Killing Odysseus won't be enough, it won't end this war." Sunna sighed, running a hand through her sweaty hair.

"You cut their main man, their intel on earth is much more limited. Fallon led a sneak attack on their supply lines as well; they're falling apart. And without their king, there's no way they'll have any motivation to keep going." Janis said as the two made their way into their respective rooms to clean off.

"That may be true Janis, but what about Mateó? Fallon has been trying to find him with her various talents, and even she can't see him. It's like he never existed. She can't even capture him in visions. I think he's being magically held hostage." Sunna said, pausing in the hall to worry further.

"Hey, don't think like that!! I'm sure he'll be returned by one of Odysseus's old lackeys, especially since there's no reason to hold onto him anymore." Janis said logically.

Sunna sighed and nodded, feeling the weight of the war still firm on her shoulders.

"I'm going to take a shower and wash this... 'pomegranate juice' off of me." Sunna said as Janis burst out laughing.

"Yeah yeah, I'd like to see you think on your feet that fast next time." Janis said, heading into her room and sitting down as Sunna closed her door, stripping of her weapons and armor.

'I really hope Janis is right, although I still don't think she understands the cruelty that creatures can go to. Fallon's magic has never been wrong before, so I doubt it's wrong now. Something big is bound to-'

Sunna's ringtone broke her thoughts as she jumped, startled by the sound. She recognized Aatami's number immediately and picked it up.


"Hey Sunna... we finished the run on their supplies and I can confidently say they will be unable to run their equipment through this channel any longer." He said, a few words gargled because of his remote location.

"That's great news, perhaps the war really is coming to a close." Sunna said, half talking to herself.

"Well, I wouldn't count your chickens so soon if I were you."


"It's Fallon. They took her."

A clatter sounded from Sunna's end of the phone as Aatami spoke again.

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