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NOTE: The quotes like this "Sunna and Janis" are spoken aloud. The quotes like "Sunna and Janis" are when the gals are telepathically communicating. Happy reading !!

The banquet hall was set head to toe with only the best kitchenware, drapes decorating the wallpapered wall with a polished dance floor you could see yourself in. Tonight was the night the gods came down and did a check in on Sunna's progress as a demigoddess of sorts.

Janis was pinning up her braided red hair, sensing that something was wrong.

"What is it? You aren't puking rainbows and dancing with forest creatures." Janis said, still focused on her hair when Sunna whipped around, Janis withholding a sigh as she watched all her work unravel.

"I don't want to be checked in like this. Why are the gods so content on keeping me unhappy?" Sunna said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Janis frowned, grabbing a box of tissues and sat beside Sunna on the loveseat.

"Well if you weren't being checked in on, you wouldn't have met me, and I would've been stuck in a goddess's closet. There's only so long that I can sit with my own thoughts, so in a way you saved me." Janis said fondly, wrapping her arms around Sunna to console her further.

Sunna hummed with happy energy again and she returned the gesture, smiling with her teeth.

"Thank you, you always know what to say." Sunna said, handing Janis her hair bands again, "I'm sorry I messed up my hair."

"It's okay sunshine, we'll fix it." Janis said, grabbing a bobby pin and placing it in her hair.

As Janis absentmindedly worked on putting up Sunna's braided locs, her brain wandered, one of them breeching the mental filter she had put up.

"I'm so happy you're here with me."

Sunna heard and immediately grinned, looking at Janis through the mirror. Janis saw this and lifted an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked, putting some gold glitter into Sunna's hair.

"You." Sunna said, turning around and looking up at Janis, her turquoise eyes pools of warmth.

A guard then knocked on the door, interrupting their moment. "Your highness, Odysseus is requesting your presence in the entry hall. Our guests should be arriving soon."

Janis rolled her eyes at the name as Sunna grabbed her hands.

"Tonight won't be the same without you, please... come tonight. I'm begging you."

Janis chuckled at Sunna's request and nodded, smoothing out the demigoddess's dress.

"I will go, but only for you nikkō."

In a mere hour, the banquet was in full swing. Many gods, goddesses and minor being flooded the room, talking dancing and eating alike, Janis overwhelmed by the surge of people.

Sunna was floating around, making necessary rounds to each guest, occasionally throwing a silly look to Janis, who smiled every time.

Janis, being a wallflower, did not gravitate towards the guests and instead hung out on the outskirts of the noise, occasionally being approached by nymphs who were interested in her golden scars that crossed her body. She didn't mind though, they were a part of her that Sunna created, and she was more than happy to show it off.

Sunna had finally made it to her last guest, the cold goddess Frigg.

"This is quite the soirée, how's the collar doing? weighing down on you I assume?" She asked insensitively, not even looking at Sunna and instead looking at her companion, a porcelain white doll. It had became very clear that Janis had been replaced. Rage flared quietly in Sunna's gut, Sol's energy shifting. The goddess quickly tamed it, pushing Sol down.

"It is not actually, Janis keeps me rather happy and not thinking about it too much." Sunna retorted, a silent prod behind her voice. Frigg glanced around and spotted Janis, seeing her new scars.

"Interesting modification on her, must've been a pretty bad argument between you two." Frigg said, grabbing her drink from the new doll and taking a sip.

Sol was roaring underneath her skin, the entity begging to be released. Again Sunna tamed Sol, determined to not let the goddess get the better of her.

Thankfully, the music changed in tempo, notifying the guests that if they desired, now was the time for slow dancing.

"I disapprove of that. You have a husband perfectly fit for you, no need to pursue other... endeavors." Frigg tsked, seeing Sunna's attention on Janis when the music started.

Before Sunna could bite back, Odysseus approached her and asked to dance with her, although the question was more of a formality.

They made their way to the dance floor and Odysseus set the pace rather aggressively, almost jerking her around to assert his presence. To better stay balanced, Sunna clung onto Odysseus, although she wasn't as into this waltz as he was.

That's when she felt it. A dark cloud hanging like mildew in her head. Not sure who it was, she mentally spoke out, being reminded of the downsides for this ability "What's wrong?"

A quiet insecure voice responded to her, the clouds fogging up Sunna's mind to the point where she couldn't decipher where the source was coming from. "You know what's wrong." They responded, Sunna trying to keep her tears at bay. The sadness that hit her mind was like no other, the being gently forcing out the rain from her sunny interior. She knew the speaker felt it too, the clouds receding quickly from her mind.

After the slow dance finished and Sunna did a mini speech, she headed over towards Janis. She wanted nothing more than to be around her yellowed-eyed companion.

When she found Janis, she was not alone. Nearly ten nymphs were hovering around her, putting flowers in her braids and sitting around her, listening to her talk about her mysterious lover.

"And then what happened?" A forest nymph asked, weaving a buttercup flower crown for the doll.

Janis, not realizing Sunna was nearby, continued her tale. "Well, I was approaching the entity and suddenly, a huge wave of energy hit me, the last thing I remember being her calling my name. Next thing I knew, I had awoken. She had used some of her rays to heal me and give me new life. I feel her with every breath, I even think I'm happier because of it." Janis said, a wistful grin on her face as she looked at the nymph.

"That was lovely, oh do tell, do they return your feelings sappling?" The same nymph asked as Janis spotted Sunna, the two making heavy eye contact.

"I'm afraid to say it, but I do"

"I do too."

Did I purposely leave out who said what at the end? Yes. Yes I did.

Janis and Sunna one- shotsWhere stories live. Discover now