2| Fearless and confident

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On the fourth day before the training, I found myself seated on the stairs of the Butterfly Estate, engaged in a conversation with Shinobu. The gentle breeze played with the petals of nearby flowers as we discussed our respective training sessions.

Shinobu, seemingly content yet relentless in her critique, shared the details of her sessions with Tomioka. "He's a decent sparring partner, but his techniques are so... unorthodox. I can't help but feel like I'm dancing with chaos."

I chuckled, understanding her sentiment. "Well, at least you're getting some valuable training. I've been stuck with Shinazugawa, and it's been brutal. I can't seem to catch up with him, and he doesn't hold back."

Shinobu nodded sympathetically. "Shinazugawa is tough, no doubt. But you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. Each Hashira has their strengths and weaknesses."

I sighed, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "It's just... I feel like I'm not on his level. He's always a step ahead, and I can't even land a hit on him."

Shinobu offered a thoughtful perspective, "Have you considered the nature of your training? Shinazugawa excels in swordplay. Maybe that's why you're struggling. Bring him into your domain, where your strengths shine."

I furrowed my brows, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Shinobu explained, "Shinazugawa always opts for direct combat without considering a attack strategy; he simply strikes with all his might. But in terms of endurance and speed, you have the advantage. Change the battleground, and you might see a different outcome."

The realization hit me like a revelation. "You're right. I need to take control and shift the dynamics of our training."

Shinobu nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Exactly. Lead him into your territory, and watch the tables turn."

Armed with newfound insight, I felt a renewed sense of determination. Shinobu was right. Up until that moment, I had solely focused on defending against his attacks. I could never find an opening to strike back, and when I thought I had it, I would falter. Not only had I forgotten to utilize my skills to my advantage, but I was also afraid of his onslaught. The fear of being hit, failing, and being exposed after a barrage of blows terrified me. I lost sight of the fact that I too am a pillar and should trust in my attack strategies, which have brought me to where I am. I lacked confidence and needed to leave fear behind.

 As Shinobu flashed a confident smile, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the valuable advice that promised to reshape my approach to training with Shinazugawa.

In the midst of our training, I decided to put Shinobu's advice into action. Instead of engaging Shinazugawa in the usual wooden sword spar, I suggested a change of scenery. We relocated to an open field where my endurance and speed could come into play.

Shinazugawa didn't care about the change of place and as soon as he held the wooden sword he approached with a fierce determination. Unaware of the shift in strategy, he lunged forward, attacking with unbridled force. I focused on dodging and evading, using my agility to stay a step ahead. This time, I didn't dodge out of fear of being hit. I dodged with the strategy of landing a blow. Defense would turn into my offense, swift as lightning.

As he pressed on with relentless strikes, I led him in a calculated dance across the field. Each move was strategic, exploiting my advantage in speed and endurance. I could feel his frustration growing, his attacks becoming more desperate. 

In a moment of determination, I dashed around him, leaving a trail of confusion in my wake. As Shinazugawa turned to face me, I seized the opportunity. With a swift and well-timed strike, I managed to land a hit on his side

The eye of the storm (Sanemi Shinazugawa X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon