4| Shadows under moonlight

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The journey to the ominous location where the formidable demon lurked was fraught with tension, the air thick with anticipation. Shinazugawa was walking ahead of me with the intention of leaving me behind, but I kept up with him without any problems, our steps echoing in the stillness of the night. The moon cast an ethereal glow, illuminating the path ahead.

Shinazugawa broke the silence with his characteristic bluntness. "So, think you're ready for this? Facing a demon like that."

I shot him a determined look. "I wouldn't be here if I weren't. And you? Ready to prove that training of yours wasn't for nothing?"

He snorted, a subtle acknowledgment. "I've got my reasons for wanting to deal with this demon. Don't get the wrong idea. It's not about proving anything."

I arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? And what is it about, then?"

Shinazugawa's gaze hardened, but there was a flicker of something more profound in his eyes. "Revenge. This demon killed some of our fellow demon slayers. I won't let it slide."

The weight of his words lingered between us, an unspoken understanding that revenge was a powerful motivator. As we pressed on, the path ahead seemed to grow darker, the foreboding atmosphere a reflection of the task that lay ahead.

I couldn't help but probe a bit further. "You're not one for sentimental conversations, Shinazugawa, but we need to trust each other out there. We're a team now."

He shot me a sidelong glance. "Trust doesn't come easy for me. Don't screw this up, and maybe, just maybe, I'll start trusting you."

With a nod of affirmation, I accepted the unspoken challenge.

As we approached the church in tense silence, the full moonlight casting eerie shadows, we encountered an unexpected figure. A person dressed in pitch-black, faceless and enigmatic, stood in front of us. My instincts went on high alert—this presence felt off.

Analyzing the situation, I sensed a disturbance. Something wasn't right. This mysterious figure, seemingly human, emanated a demonic aura that set my senses on edge. Yet, there was an incongruity that nagged at my perception.

Before I could voice my suspicions, Shinazugawa, ever impulsive, lunged at the figure with his katana raised high, aiming for a swift beheading, not even try to make a breathing tecnhique, like he assumed it was an ordinary and easy beating demon. Instead of cutting off his head, Shinazugawa's blade sliced through the air and the figure dissipated like smoke. 

"What the hell?" Shinazugawa grumbled, a mix of frustration and astonishment etched on his face.

Panicking, I shouted, "Shinazugawa-san, look out! Check the ground!" Yet, my warning came too late. The dark shadows of the surrounding trees snaked out, seizing Shinazugawa and hurling him out of my sight.

It became painfully clear – this wasn't the demon we sought; it was a manifestation of the demon's dark art. A puppet master manipulating shadows to deceive us. I unsheathed my katana, muscles tensed, and heightened my senses to the maximum, ready for whatever trickery the demon might unleash next. The night had just begun, and the true challenge awaited. To make matter worse, now I was all alone.

My instincts screamed at me, urging caution. The demon it's manipulating shadows, toying with our senses. This demon is no ordinary foe. It plays with shadows, distorts reality. I can't afford to underestimate it.

It was challenging to attack because my katana couldn't do anything against the shadows that came to life and approached me. In contrast, they could harm me. None of them managed to hurt me; my defense was really good. However, I was aware that I couldn't keep dodging his attacks forever. I had to find the demon controlling the shadows. It was then that I heard a muffled scream coming from behind the church. I quickly dodged the attacks of the shadows rising before me and ran to the source of the sound.

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