Chapter Three: Daisy, Daisy.

Start from the beginning

"No, nothing like that, but you can't tell me you don't think she's stunning." Romeo wasn't wrong. Missy was very attractive, they both were. I wouldn't be surprised if I eventually caught feelings for her in the future. I doubt it though. We continued demolishing the macaroons, and eventually cleaned out one of the trays.

      "I..can' anymore," he murmured through a mouthful of desserts. "I think I'm gonna explode. You good David?"

      "Yea I'm fine Romeo, thanks."

     "I'm gonna get you to open up to us sooner or later."

"You sure she doesn't mind us being here, Romeo?"

     "DD, you're free to come over after school anytime with Romeo," she exclaimed, bringing over a glass of...alcohol? She must've read the confused look on my face since she let out a laugh as she handed the glass to Romeo. "DD, we're not as innocent as you thought we were. Trust me." I couldn't even find any words to reply to that. I just stood quiet as they both took sips of their own glasses.

"There's canned sodas in that cooler in the corner if you want, DD."

I went over the cooler, took a soda, and went to sit back down next to Romeo. Missy almost broke the glass in her hand as she began jumping for joy for no apparent reason.

"Guys, what if we had a sleep over next week? We could invite a few people, and DD could even make a few friends. How does that sound?"

     I was going to agree until I noticed that Romeo had a nervous look on his face towards the question. Did he not like it here enough to stay the night? Was it too much for him to take it?

"Uhm...Missy," Romeo whispered in her ear, "I did tell you I was afraid of sleeping in this big ass house, right?" He stepped away from the table and peeped into a room with what seemed to be towels and wash rags.

"You didn't. If anything, you can share a room with Romeo, if he doesn't mind." She turned her head to glance at me. "You mind if you guys sha- wait are you able to come tomorrow?"

"Nah, I don't mind." I replied back. I picked at the table cloth as I let my eyes roam around the place. I took a glance at my watch to check the time, only for it to be a quarter to 7. I shot up out my seat and dusted the crumbs I had let sleep on me for a few minutes.

"I'm- I'm sorry Missy, but I have to leave now before my parents act out on me. Thanks for letting me over."

"Bye Romeo. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

As I picked up my phone and my bag, I heard Romeo say something. I shoved my phone in my pocket and sprinted towards the front door in a rush to get home quicker, only to be stopped by a hand on one of my bag's straps. Jesus, how strong was Romeo?

"Don't leave s-so soon, man," he said, pulling me into a hug. "Please don't leave me with Godzilla over there." Wow, was he drunk off of one drink?

"I heard that, you bitch!"

      "I do really have to go Romeo. I'll see you two tomorrow." Then it dawned on me. How was I getting home?

      "Uhm, Missy," I said, staring outside the door, "how am I-"

      "The cars outside. Just tell Dex your address and he'll take you. Don't worry about paying, it's free for you my love," she joked, opening the door for me. "I'll see you tomorrow."

      I stepped out the house into the darkness and scouted out for the car I'd be going home in. I laid eyes on a blue Maserati GranTurismo with a head popping over the door. I walked over and listened as the man called my name out. I was surprised to see a guy that looked young—maybe a few years older than me.

      "Are you David?" I stepped closer to the car, sure that this was the driver that would be taking me home.


"Missy has a type, I see. Get in. Where you heading to anyway?"

I told him my address as I sat down in the car. I took my bag off my shoulders and placed it next to me. I'm pretty sure it's illegal for me to sit in the backseat since the passenger seat wasn't taken.

"Got it. Might wanna strap up though. I drive my own way." I was scared of whatever that meant. "It's only about an hour. I can tell you're pissin' your panties right now. You got a curfew, huh?"

      I nervously laughed as a response and leaned my head on the window. I scrolled on my phone, but it had seemed as if I had made it awkward.

      "Not much of a talker are you?" He asked, taking a peep at me through the rear view window a few times before steadily focusing on the road. "I remember those days. I see you made friends with Missy. You must be big downstairs or rich as hell."

      Big downstairs?

      "No, I'm just Missy's friend. We met today."

      "'re not big down there?"

      I ignored his question and continued as if he didn't ask it. "Me and Missy met today. We just came over to see her."

      "Hmm. I see. You like her th- wait, what do you mean by 'we'?"

      "Me and Romeo."

      "Ooooh, you met him too? The creepy crawler? I still can't decide whether I hate his ass or not. So what's the situation with them?"

      I grew a little uncomfortable being asked questions about them two since I didn't really know too much about them, but I gave him half answers just so I wouldn't leave silence in the air.

      "They're just friends as far as I know."

      "That Romeo. Too pussy to skate with guys a few years older than him and too pussy to ask a girl out. I think his answer might've been the first answer to my question."

      I laughed nervously once again, but I knew I couldn't use laughter to get out of speaking to him anymore.

      "I remember one time I had caught Romeo making out with one of his skater buddies in the park. Probably the gayest shit I have ever scene." Romeo was into men?

      "Oh wow," I replied, throwing a shocked look on my face to seem interested.

      "I guess he redeemed himself though 'cause shortly after, he began dating this one girl named Ari." He liked women and men? Romeo was more interesting than I thought.

      Although the way Dex explained his...memory seemed a tad bit homophobic, it was honestly the last thing I cared about in the moment. I ended up falling a sleep for the rest of the ride to which he must've noticed since he didn't speak another word to me.


      I woke up to us driving up my block, the streetlights bright as can be. I was definitely getting yelled at when I went in. We finally made it to my house.

      I gave Dex a "thank you" hand shake.

      "This is your house? Not bad, not bad at all kid. Now get out of my car. I know your parents is probably waiting for you, pissed as all hell. I should stay and watch but...nah."

      I took my bag and began the walk through the path, not before waving at him again.


      I turned my neck back to see what he had wanted.

      "I'll get you some pussy one day dude. One day, bro."

      I forced a smile and walked into the house, happy to finally be free from that man's words. I didn't hear any chatting, so I just assumed my parents were out and plopped on my bed and shut the door. I believe today was the first night I could actually look forward to the next day.

And that concludes this chapter!

I won't lie, punctuation is probably the hardest thing to do for me when it comes to writing these stories. I don't know, I just never took the time to study proper punctuation while writing stories. Anyways, onto the next chapter you goooo

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