Chapter Three: Daisy, Daisy.

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      Quick note: The girl in the picture is going to be Missy! *reclines chair back* Hmm...did you guys and gals like the boys pictures?

(David's POV)

      The way we entered into Missy's home was like nothing I had seen before, at least not in person. She drove past a water fountain that found its way in the path of the house with a path around it to be driven on. I looked through the car's windows and seen almost acres of freshly cut grass, a slew of flower bushes, and one great big house that stood before us.

      "You like it?" Missy said, turning her head to the back seat as she turned the car off.

      "Yes, it''s big." I stuttered. "I'd never seen a house like this before. It's amazing."

      "Well not only do you get to see it, you get to come in too! Follow me."

Me and Romeo jogged to catch up with Missy. She opened the door to what I could only describe as a palace. White marble floors, two curved stairways to the second floor, and a huge foyer with couches that welcomed me with wide, open arms. I mean, who were her parents? Was she a Rothschild?

"Pete! Hit it!"

I heard Missy shout joyfully at a man in a tuxedo that had his hands glued to a piano. At her call, he began playing a song I most certainly did not recognized, probably because I wasn't rich.

"I'm going to go get some more snacks you guys. Make yourself comfortable DD. I'll be back," she said, running through a dimly lit hallway. "I'll bring a lot macaroons since Romeo likes to pig out on them."

      "Oh whatever," Romeo pouted. He stared at Missy, eating for her to be out of view. Once she was out of sight, he swung his head towards Pete.

      "Pete, my man. You know what to play!"

      I looked at Romeo confused as Pete began touching around on his phone. I looked up as a song began playing from speakers that hung in the corners of the ceilings. I knew the song. I knew it well.

"I'm on fireee for the first timeee," Romeo dances with the song. "I'm on fireee, it's been a long timeee."

I watched as Romeo danced his heart out to one of my favorite songs ever. The only thought that ran through my head was where Missy was with the snacks.

"And my new girl, she brings out my shine. And I'm sipping on this red wine."

He continued singing and dancing, bending his finger in my direction to get me to dance with him, but I rejected. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of my new friends.

I shot him a smile and he continued dancing freely, until the music took a complete turn back to what Missy originally requested. Me and Romeo hadn't even noticed that Missy came back into the foyer.

"Hey, Elvis, come help me with these macaroons without eating any." "Missy shut up," Romeo replied.

They began bringing two large trays of macarons to the table and immediately the colored cookies took my eye. Her cooks must've been the world's best bakers to make amazing looking macarons like these. I pointed my finger to the tray, to which Missy shook her head yes. Me and Romeo began pigging out on the macarons. Missy laughed and walked over to talk to Pete.

"You see the girl over there," Romeo asked, tapping my shoulder. "Daisy. She just hasn't found her Tom yet. I guess you'd be Nick."

I replied to his thought with a question. "You have feelings for her?"

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