Chapter Nine: Set Up

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(Romeo POV)

      I wasn't expecting my parents to say yes, but I did want to try, at least for David's sake. With the way Riley acts, she'd be damn lucky if I'd even show up to another damn birthday party of hers, let alone throw one for her. This wasn't a fake party for her birthday though. Would they even believe me wanting to throw a party for her accomplishments? It seems crazy thinking over the whole thing now, but this was the only way of getting permission.

      David's plan may have been a good idea at first, but it got more confusing trying to figure out how I'd even go on with it. He wanted me to throw a party with the hopes of her popping up and us being able to talk. Maybe he thought the cheerfulness in the air of the party would help make her more approachable. It was worth a shot.

      One thing that didn't and never will sit right with me is the fact that she's with my ex. Nothing could've prepared me for seeing something like that, but it happened.

      Even though she shut me right the fuck down when I talked to her, I'm pretty sure she still could've went for any other man, especially with her status. Am I crazy to think that it was wrong of her to get with him knowing that that was one of her friend's exes? Was it out of spite since we weren't speaking at the time? Hell, did I even want to talk things over again with her?

      I stared deeper at the ceiling until what sounded like a swat team began breaking my door down. The banging was none other than the devil him- well, herself.

      "Wake that ass up. I need you to help me repaint my wall."

      I turned to the door looking at the baseball bat in her hand. "The fuck?!"

      "Oh, this?" She said, looking down. "If you didn't wake up...well you were gonna wake up one way or another."

      "Didn't you just paint the shit last week?"

      "The color looks hideous. I don't even know why mom would even suggest this. You're going to help me." She threw a paintbrush from her pocket at me and missed, hitting my phone of the nightstand. "Get the hell up."

      "My phone?" I groaned. "Ugh, fine. Give me a few minutes." If my ass didn't accept, I would've had to deal with her nagging the entire month just like last time.

      She skipped to her bedroom, but my walk to the bathroom was interrupted by the doorbell. I flew down the stairs thinking it was David, only to be surprised by a blond haired girl. I definitely recognized the face from school as well. She was pretty as hell. Calm yourself Romeo.

"Wow, um, hi. I'm Riley's friend. I'm Sarah."

"Oh, hey."

"Are you"

"Unfortunately, yea."

"Her lying ass said she didn't have one," she laughed. "You seem cool though."

I damn near blushed. "Ah, thank you. She's upstairs, come in."

She followed me in, and closed the door behind herself. As much as I did want to talk to her, I called out Riley's name to come and collect her friend.

"Riley, you have company!," I screamed.

She gasped and Sarah teleported up the stairs.

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