Chapter Two: Excuse Me, Missy

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Ooooo I've been DYING to write another story, even if it ends up being terrible *laughs to self*. Anyways, again, thank you for continuing to read my story and I appreciate you giving it a chance. Sometimes I'll say things before or after chapters, so if you want you can skip it and just read or you can see what I have to say. Enjoy the chapter! *Runs out of view of imaginary camera*

[ Image is Romeo / not sure the person's name :( {tap the photo to see it full} ]

(David's POV)

I woke up on the floor, not sure how I got there, but I didn't think too much of it. I picked my blanket up from the hardwood floor and threw it back onto the bed. Nothing was different from today than any other school day, which I expected. Same morning routine, same work, same people. I can't say I hated it, but even if I did, there's nothing I'd do to change it.

Eventually, I finished getting ready and fed my cat, Pete. He was the only one that seemed to care whenever I left or came inside of the house.  I never made an effort to tell my parents when I left to avoid waking them up in the mornings. I grew sick of being chewed out on weekdays for letting them know I was off to school, so I went without a word.


I stepped on campus and stared at everyone for a minute. I took a glance around after sensing a feeling that something was different. I walked over to the bench, but before I could, someone flew into my left side.

"Oh shit, my fault," the boy said, holding out a hand. "Sometimes I lose control on this thing." I looked down at what took half the blame of our collision and glanced back up at him. "Cool skateboard. Where'd you get it?" I said, still sitting on the ground studying the skateboard again. "It looks pretty cool."

"It was uhh...a gift. An old friend gave it to me. You gonna get off the ground anytime soon?" "Right." I replied, finding my balance to finally stand on my feet. While his left hand helped me up, his right stuck out In front of me.


It took me a few minutes to realize what was trying to do. I firmly slammed my hand into Romeo's and murmured "Oh, David." "What class you have right now? I can walk with you if you want, man." I shook my head in agreement and threw my bag on my back. This had been the first time in a while I was walking to class with someone in school.

As we walked, I noticed the beanie he had on his head read the name Riley. Although I wanted to know why it said that, I didn't want to ask anything that might've annoyed him. Eventually though, the curiosity one. I said his name and he turned to look at me. "Where did you get your beanie? If you don't mind me asking," I mumbled, pointing to the name in bright purple writing that was not his. "I noticed it says a girls name." He laughed to himself for a minute, unsure whether it was to my question or something around him. "Yea, it's my sisters. It's practically mine now since I always steal it from her."

I smiled at him continued walking. We didn't share anymore words after that and eventually made it to the classroom. Coming to the same classroom everyday at the same time for about half a year, I never noticed Romeo was in any of my classes. I guess that would be because I pay attention to everything in class besides the class.

"Wanna sit in the back? I hate being in the front" "Sure. Come." He followed as I walked over to two three empty seats in the back. I was hoping nobody would take the third one so I didn't have to interact with them, or deal with the feeling of silence at the table.

While me and Romeo talked our way into the class, it didn't even dawn on me that I made a new friend. I came to realize that you get things that you want when you stop looking for them. He seemed pretty cool, I mean he owned a skateboard that he seems to lug everywhere, he wore baggy clothes, and he had siblings. I wasn't sure how many, but I always envied people with siblings due to me being the only child. I assumed my parents didn't want more responsibilities so they stopped once they had me.

PlatonicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora