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"Alright Priya, there are invisible walls up that you can't see, but the partner I have assigned for you can. They will be giving you instructions on how to get through the maze." Lance informed.

"Seems easy enough. Who's guiding me through?" Priya asked, looking around. Lance had instructed everyone else to leave the room, and the person he had assigned as Priya's partner was to go up to the balcony where the screen and microphone was. This way, Priya couldn't know who was guiding her until the test started.

"Take two steps forward." Rae spoke into the microphone.

"What? She's guiding me through?"

"Indeed. You might want to listen to what she's saying."

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" She asked Lance.

Lance shrugged. He did do it on purpose, but the six of them would never be able to work as a team if Priya and Rae didn't sort this out.

"I'm not going to repeat myself again. Take two steps forward."

"Whatever." Priya said, taking a step forward before hitting a wall. "Hey! What was that for?"

"You moved from your original position. Take a step to the left, then take two steps forward."

Priya took a step to the left, and then a step forward, before once again hitting a wall.

"What the hell?"

"My left, not your left."

"Rae I can't even see you! How am I meant to know what your left is?" Priya shouted. "We're swapping!"

"Nope. I'm not letting you guys off." Lance said. "Rae, your instructions need to be clearer. If you were in the middle of a battle and you gave vague commands, it could cost someone's life. You need to make sure your team understands what you're saying. And Priya, you need to learn how to trust."

"Trust? Her? Yeah right."

"No ones leaving until this maze is cleared."

"Fine." Priya sighed. "Go on Rae."

"As I was saying, take two step to the right, and then two steps forward."

Priya did as she was told, this time without hitting any walls.

"Now turn left, and take three steps in that direction."

Again, Priya did as told. She was hesitant, and moved slowly, but she cleared it.

Lance stood and watched, proud of himself for getting them to work together. Even if it was on a simple task like this. He thought back to the time he was in Priya's position, getting guided by Keith. They gave up way too quickly, because they didn't have anyone to push them to work together. Lance wasn't going to let that happen with this team.

After about another minute, Rae got quicker and calmer with her orders, and Priya got more confident with her steps. They cleared the maze in under three minutes, which Lance thought was pretty good considering how they started.

He brought in the next pair, who completed it in about two minutes, and then the last who completed it in roughly one and a half. Lance congratulated them all before telling them about the next exercise.

"A drone will be shooting lasers at all of you, and your objective is to protect not yourself, but your team mates. Got it?"

"Wait so what if a laser is flying at us? We can't protect ourselves?" Asked Elijah.

"That's right. If you see a laser flying at you, you can't shield yourself. You have to let your team mates do that for you."

The cadets looked at eachother. "And if they don't?" Asked Lyrk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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