The hospital (again)

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Emily waited patiently for Jj to arrive so they could go check on Addie together. She bit her nails and paced the house profusely. Her phone startled her, ringing a loud tune throughout the house. "I might be a bit later than I thought. Bad flying weather." Jj apologised. "Jen. Addie might be hurt, she might be..." Emily ran her hands down her dark, very messy, hair. "Just please hurry." "Honey, I want Addie to be okay as much as you do."

Derek looked over to the blonde on the plane. "Everything okay?" He questioned. "It's...complicated. Addie's father came to collect her and Emily's worried." She tried to explain, "she's got herself a bit worked up because she saw him buying duct tape." Derek nodded, worried for his friend and Addie.

Addie groaned at her head pounded. Her father had went to bed after giving her a second dose, leaving her in seething pain. Trembling, she attempted to get up. Her limbs felt heavy and she could barely keep her eyes from shutting. She couldn't do it. She huffed and let her head drop down onto the bed. Her father would come soon, right?

Emily decided to watch a new show to keep busy. It wasn't very relaxing; being a profiler her mind was always turning and she could figure out the unsub - no, the bad guy - within the first half of it. The hours passed quicker and soon Jj was opening the door. "Emily, I'm home," she said, bringing in her bag. Emily greeted the blonde and kissed her head softly. "I missed you," she muttered into the younger women's ear. "I missed you too," Jj replied, placing down her bag. Derek was standing next to her, "hi." "Hi Derek."  It was nearly two and the sun was dazzling the room in warm, honey toned light. Jj could sense her girlfriend's restless mood. "Let's go check on her then," Jj said.

The three of them approached the apartment wearily. Emily knocked: once then twice and then three times before Addie's father answered. "Oh. Emily and Jennifer. What a..." his voice sounded strained, "pleasant surprise." "We want to see Addie." Emily commanded. "No." "Sir, we just want to talk to her. We'll be minutes at most," Jj pleaded, batting her eyelashes. While Jj and Addie's father argued, Emily squeezed past them and looked around the apartment for the girl's room.

She ended up at a door with a lock on it; luckily, it wasn't locked. Emily furrowed her eyes brows as she thought about why there was lock on the outside of a room. "Oh my god. Addie? Addie can you hear me?" She placed her hand on the girls head. "Oh. No, no , no. Addie, stay awake for me."  Addie barely opened her eyes. "Emily?" "Yeah it's me. Are you okay? What happened?" "I'm...fine..." She mumbled, closing in on herself and moving ( with all her effort ) away from Emily. "Sweetheart," Emily's heart broke at the scene, "have you had any medicine?" Addie nodded. Emily noted the girl's temperature and sluggish movements.

Addie's father realised Emily was gone quickly, "hey, where did she go?" He spun around and thudded towards Addie's room, Derek and Jj not far behind. "Get out of my daughter's room," he barked, tugging at Emily's elbow. Addie winced at her father's harsh tone. Immediately, Derek shoved Addie's father out the room. He wasn't particularly strong but he was tall and put up a fight. "Don't touch her," Derek whispered into his ear while dragging him out the room.

Jennifer had joined the two other girls: Addie backed away in the corner and Emily attempting to get closer. "She's got a fever and she cradling her arm," Emily said to Jj, nodding towards the girl. "Hey Addie, your father's out the room. Can we see your arm?" Jj talked softly, calming Addie. Not knowing whether to follow Jj's or her father's directions, she cowered in the corner, eyeing the two women. Sweat gathered on her brow and it took all her might to wipe it with her good arm. "See, she's only moving that arm," Emily said quietly to Jj. "Do you think she'd let Derek carry her?" Jj questioned, already knowing the answer. Emily shook her head, as expected. Hesitantly, emily climbed onto the bed. Addie didn't have the energy to back any further into the wall. "It's ok," she placed her hand on the girls forehead again - her temperature was rising steadily. She then moved her hand down to Addie's arm, "I'm just going to look at your arm, okay?" She gently held Addie's arm and examined it the best she could. Addie hissed in pain a few times before drifting back into unconsciousness. "Addie." Emily stuttered, trying to keep her words devoid of any panic. Addie pried open her eyes. "Sorry. I'm... really... tired," her staggered voice was barely louder than a muffled whisper. "Stay awake for me though. I'm going to move closer." Addie shook her head. "I'm fine." Emily leant closer and, at once, Addie leaned into her shoulder, nuzzling against her side.

Derek had called Hotch and Addie's father was now being arrested for neglect (amongst other things). "Is the girl okay?" Hotch said, passing Derek. "I'm not sure. Jj and Emily are with her now."

"Can you stand?" Emily asked. Addie's body ached but she nodded. "Okay. I'm going to help you up." Addie winced, shutting her eyes tightly, as Emily helped her to sit up at the edge of the bed. Black spots fluttered in her vision and she clutched her head in panic. Emily looked at JJ worriedly. Jj walked to the right side of Addie and Emily moved to the left. Slowly, Addie got up. "Do you think you can walk to the car?" JJ asked softly. "Mhm," Addie swayed while they walked out the room.

Derek and Hotch were dealing with her father at the police department. Addie's father was lucky enough to have the money for a great lawyer and so they were trying their best to find evidence against him.

Stale hospital air filled Addie's nose: a mixture of blood, sweat and disinfectant. They got a room instantly and were told Dr Robbins would be in soon. Emily kept glancing at Addie's state, harshly biting her nails and running her hands through her hair. Addie could barely stay awake and her breath came out in uneven staggers.
"I'm sorry to see you guys back so soon," Dr Robbin's voice was laced with sympathy. She noted the tense atmosphere and began examining Addie. "How did she break her arm?" The doctor questioned the two women. Dr Robbin's didn't wait for a reply, instead she took Addie's temperature and ordered blood work and some meds and an x ray. She looked back at Emily after talking to one of the other doctors, "did this happen while she was staying with you?"  Emily's brow creased, "no, of course not..." she spat back.
Jj, realising her girlfriend's growing angry, grabbed her hand, "she was staying with her father. Is she going to be okay?" Jj took over the conversation, giving Emily chance to collect herself. "She's... in a lot of pain. She might need surgery to fix her arm. She's a strong girl. She'll make it." Dr Robbin left as quickly as she had came, briskly writing on her chart.

After taking some medication, Addie had stopped trembling and her temperature had gone down. Some x rays were taken, showing quite a bad break. Fury ran through Emily's body as the doctor described the fracture and how it most likely happened. Addie was only 14: she did not deserve this, no one did. Surprisingly, Addie would not need surgery however, she would need a cast and sling for a while. Pink and orange light filled the room as the sun set. Addie had already fallen asleep and Emily and Jj were grabbing some food, waiting for her to wake; Emily had so many questions. "We shouldn't have let her go back," Emily said miserably, taking small bites of her food. "There was a lock - on the outside of her bedroom door I mean. He... he locked her in there while she... her arm, Jj... she probably in so much pain and I... I was next door and I didn't stop it," Emily whispered to Jj, looking up. "I'm going to the bathroom." She left without glancing back. She splashed her face with cold water, she was not going to cry.

Soon after Jj and Emily were back in Addie's room watching her sleep. "Emily, are you okay?"Jj asked. "I'm fine." Emily replied immediately.
"I was just..." Jj was cut off by the quiet whimpering of Addie. She was curled up, tears rolling down her face. Emily - taking the opportunity not to talk about her feelings - climbed in next to the girl. Addie shook her head, "please... I'll be good, I'll be quiet."
"Addie, it's Emily. You're at the hospital, remember ?" She cooed. Addie's whimpering stilled, helped by Emily's embrace. She nestled into the older woman's shoulder.
Dr Robbin walked in holding some paper work. She took in the scene in front of her and handed Jj some paperwork. "Is she alright? We can give her more pain meds or a sedative if that would help?" Dr Robbin, despite not wanting to give the small girl more medication than she needed, couldn't watch Addie toss and turn in pain. When Emily didn't answer Jj did, telling Dr Robbin that the girl would be fine for now but they would call her if she needed anything.

Safe now ( Emily prentiss )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang