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"We have a location!" Derek's voice boomed through the station. Emily ran to the car, her mind set on saving this little girl. The house they arrived at was small. It had high up windows with small cracks crawling across and dead flowers out front. Derek didn't hesitate to kick down the large, oak door, roaming through house for a sign of life.
All of sudden they heard a gruff male voice sneer the words "you like it. Admit it". Emily crinkled her nose as she followed Derek to the noise. "Please..." a small voice sobbed followed by a smashing sound...

"Emily.." Addie's rough voice sounded throughout the room. "Help me...please?" She sobbed quietly as the man held her tightly, arm around her chest. "Back away from the girl," Jj's voice was a pleasant surprise to the young girl. The man reached for something. In an instant gun shots had been fired. Addie's scream rang out in the room. Emily darted for her, cradling her like the small child she was. "I'm sorry. I tried to call." Addie repeated those words as if it was all she knew. "It's ok...sweetie it's ok.. it's all gonna be fine, you're gonna be alright". She rocked her back and forth, stroking her dripping hair.
Addie flinched as Jj came over to offer her a blanket. "Hey Addie, you're safe now," she backed away from her slowly, making sure she knew she was no threat. Emily covered the young girls freezing body. "I knew you would come," the girl nestled into Emily's shoulder.
Emily looked at girl; she had bruises and scrapes covering her body and what looked to be a small burn on the lower collar area ( whether from the man they had just arrested or her father, Emily didn't know ). She dried her eyes and she turned to the girl, "Addie, we have to go to the hospital, okay?" The girl was frozen, only staring straight ahead as tears slowly leaked from her eyes. Her mouth opened and then shut, her small frame trembling. "Hey, Addie, can you look at me? Addie.." Emily pleaded with her. When Addie finally met her eyes she moved to get up but Addie just shook her head and started apologising.

Seven minutes later Jj crept back in. She glanced at Emily ,who looked was usually unaffected by cases, sit there helplessly with the girl. "Hi, Addie," Jj spoke quietly, "do you want to ride to the hospital in our car?" Addie looked up at the blonde, her puffy eyes rapidly blinking. She nodded - not wanting Jj to be mad.

Emily got in the back seat with Addie, still holding her tightly. Her heart quickened as the phone rang. "It's ok," Emily's soft voice snapped her out of her mind. The brunette went to reach it but was stopped by Addie; instead Jj let the call play on loudspeaker throughout the car. "Derek said you found her. Oh god, is she alright? They have her father still but there's no evidence to hold him any longer," the small girl 's eyes widened at this. "Yea, Garcia. We got her in time. She's in the car with us now, we're driving to the hospital..." Emily gripped the girl tighter as Addie frantically rocked in the seat. "I.. I want...I wanna go home," she stuttered. It was Emily's turn now to look at the girl with wide eyes. She kissed Addie's head, "soon, ok?" She cooed.

The hospital was loud and smelt heavily of disinfectant. Addie's head spun as she entered the private room Jj had got her. Emily let go of her while she sat on the bed and waited for a doctor to arrive. Jj turned to Emily, "you should go get changed, them clothes are damp and dirty. I'll stay with her," Jj said to her. "I need to stay with her, she frightened out of her mind. And hurt." Jj took Emily's hand. "Emily, I know you want to help her but you can't when you're just as frantic as her. I'll stay with her, you go shower and cleanup. She's not going anywhere and neither am I. Okay?" Jj finished, gently placing a kiss on Emily forehead. " ok. I'll be as fast as I can." With that Emily turned to the girl, "I'm going for a while but I'll be back as soon as possible. Jj's gonna stay here with you till I'm back."

Jj sat next to on the adjacent chair, she spoke slowly and calmly. "Can I come sit next to you?" She questioned. Addie nodded, her brown hair covering her face. JJ moved swiftly and tried to hold the small girl however, Addie flinched away immediately. Addie realised her mistake and instantly leaned into Jennifer. The profiler - of course - saw this, "I don't have to hold you if you don't want me to," Addie didn't move. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while and waited for Emily to come back. "Do you want to talk about it?" The girl shrugged, still not able to fully form sentences with stuttering. "Can I ask you some questions? Just simple yes or no ones...?" She took a few seconds to reply but nodded. " Did the man say anything to you? Maybe something about your dad?" Did he? Addie shook her head. Jj thought of a question for a few seconds, however, when she looked down the small girl had closed her eyes and was slowly laying her head back down on Jj's shoulder. Jj smiled and stroked Addie's hair, finally the girl could get some sleep.

When Emily walked in the doctor trailed behind her. "I'm dr Robbins," she quieted her voice slightly as she saw the little girl asleep on. "Has she drunk or eaten anything? Or said if she's in any pain?" The doctor asked JJ expectantly, Jj shook her head, "she hasn't said anything at all." The doctor examined Addie the best she could while the small girl slept peacefully. "The cuts and bruises should heal by themselves. We'll keep her overnight just to check she's eating and drinking. Are you guys her legal guardians or is there someone picking her up?" Dr Robbins questioned, looking between Emily and her girlfriend. "It's kind of complicated..." Emily looked at the floor. "Ok we'll let me know tomorrow so whoever is taking her home can sign some papers." Dr Robbins walked out.

"We can't let her go back to her dad." Emily stated, rushing her hands through her.
"We can't do anything about it. There's no evidence that Ariadne didn't just run away at the wrong moment." Jj stated.
"Addie. Her names Addie... He hits her. We know he does. That's something isn't it ?" Emily remarked. "Jj, we have to get her out that house." Her vision faltered as paced the room.
"We could apply for temporary guardianship?" Jj watched her girlfriend tentatively. "I can get Garcia to fast track it so we'll be able to  take her home tomorrow."
"You think we could do that? Like raise Addie?"
"I don't see why not. We'd have to figure out our work  schedule for the next couple weeks but... do you want to?"
"Yes," Emily replied at once.

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