Chapter 126: An Asura's Muscles

Start from the beginning

"Tch, I don't have that type of fetish, Illumia; it's just I am constantly surrounded by Elves who are born with naturally weak physiques compared to most species, so can I not admire the body of a species that is born with a naturally powerful physique?" Stated Elif in annoyance as he eyed Illumia and pointed at himself.

"I completely adore my body, and while I do have a near-perfect physique, my body and the body of an Asura's are completely different." Added Elif before he turned around and focused on the slightly awkward Asura.

"Your word is law, Crown Prince Elif." Said Illumia teasingly as she bowed to Elif, which he completely ignored.

"Ignore that annoying woman; you've not introduced yourself."

"Ahh, thank you for reminding me; I'm Mada Krodh, son of Patriarch Krodh; the lady you were admiring, Prince Elif, is Echo Krodh, current Heir to the Clan, and my Elder sister." Stated Mada with a smile as he and Elif glanced at Echo again, though whether she noticed them or it was perfect timing, but the moment they looked at her, Echo turned around and looked at them before approaching.

"Sister, perfect timing; Prince Elif and I were just talking about you." Added Mada once Echo arrived at their location.

"Hmm, really? What were you saying? It better have been something good, Mada; otherwise, I'll get angry." Asked Echo with a curious expression as she placed two of her arms on her hip while glancing at Elif and Mada before lightly slapping him on the back of his head with one of her six arms.

"Hehe, it wasn't; we were just admiring your physique, that is all." Said Elif with a light chuckle while covering the bottom half of his face with quạt tay.

"Ahh, you were!? W-What you specifically talking about?" Asked Echo in slight surprise while her confident demeanor was slowly getting replaced with a bashful one.

"Haa, here it comes." Muttered Mada as he touched his face and sighed while looking at Elif and Echo.

"Just that you have the best physique among the Asura's present." Said Elif calmly, though his words only caused Echo to become even more bashful while Mada sighed again.

"I-I greatly appreciate the compliment P-Prince Elif, I-I take great pride in my physique; however, if you don't mind, c-could you tell me which part of my physique is the best in your opinion? Is it my biceps? Maybe it's my triceps? O-Or, you think it's my forearms; quite an underrated muscle group, in my opinion!" Said Echo with an eager expression as she flexed her muscles while doing various poses before Elif, her bashfulness having long since vanished.

"Haa, I apologize about my sister, Prince Elif; she acts like this whenever someone compliments her muscles; I'd recommend just saying a random answer; otherwise, she'll never stop. Trust me, I've seen her go on for hours." Advised Mada quietly as he and Elif watched Echo, who was now turned around and talking about the back muscles while doing various poses.

"What about the trapezius muscles? Although they are usually overlooked since the larger muscle, latissimus dorsi is right there. Or maybe you like smaller muscles like the deltoid? For all I know, you might be unique and enjoy the erector spinae muscle." Said Echo in excitement as she turned back around and began lifting up her shirt, though Mada quickly stopped her before she could.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Exclaimed Mada as he swiftly approached her and yanked her shirt back down, though his yelling caused everyone in the vicinity to give them weird looks.

"What are you doing, Mada!? You know I was just about to get my favorite, the abdominal muscle, so you better have stopped me for a good reason, dammit!" Declared Echo in slight anger as she forcefully pushed Mada off herself.

"I-I had stopped you because Prince Elif had already said his favorite muscle group; you were just too busy talking about yourself that you didn't hear him." Replied Mada as he quickly shifted Echo's focus toward Elif while he sighed in relief.

"Oh, you did, Prince Elif? I apologize for not hearing you, so tell me, what was your favorite muscle!?" Asked Echo with an eager expression as she got incredibly close to Elif.

"Um, it was the biceps?" Said Elif in uncertainty, feeling uncomfortable from how close Echo was.

"The biceps? I had a feeling you'd pick the biceps, Prince Elif." Remarked Echo as she nodded while eying Elif's slender arms, which caused his eye to twitch at the underlying meaning.

"Anyways, the bicep is a prevalent muscle group loved by both men and women; even with a small body, if you have a big bicep, it'll give you the illusion that you're physique is larger than it really is. However, if you want a larger bicep, I'd also recommend acquiring a bigger tricep-" Added Echo as she began going on a long rant about the bicep, which eventually turned into her talking about every other muscle.

'Well, there goes any chance of interacting with the Divine Half Sect.' Thought Elif while sighing as he absentmindedly nodded to make it seem like he was paying attention to Echo.


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