Chapter 5- Training and saying goodbye

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3rd person pov

Escar wakes and stretches and gets out of bed swaying his tail left and right then does a few sit ups then goes out of the room. When he leaves the bedroom he smells something cooking he follows the smell into the kitchen and sees Bulma cooking she turns around and sees Escar.

Bulma: Good morning Escar.

Escar: (Yawns) Good morning Bulma.

Bulma: Had a good sleep?

Escar: Yeah. I see you're making breakfast.

Bulma: Yes I am. Oh could you wake Trunks and Zangya up?

Escar: Sure also where is Vegeta?

Bulma: He's training he already ate maybe you can go and join him afterwards.

Escar: I'll do that after breakfast.

Escar goes to wake up Trunks he goes to his soon and knocks he hears a faint go away he opens the door to see a bunch of toys on the floor and a sword by his bed. Trunks is trying to go back to sleep but he looks up and sees Escar.

Trunks: (groggy) Good morning Escar.

Escar: Good morning Trunks your mother wanted me to tell you breakfast is ready.

Trunks: Ok I'll be down in a second.

Escar: What is with the sword?

Trunks: Oh Tapion gave me that.

Escar: That's amazing! Anyway I'll let you get up.

Escar leaves and goes to wake up Zangya he goes to her door and knocks he hears a faint come in he opens the door and sees Zangya already up her room was cleaner than Trunk's. His tail sways left and right when he sees her.

Zangya: Good morning Escar.

Escar: G-Good morning Zangya b-breakfast is ready.

Zangya: Ok I'll be down in a bit.

Escar: O-Ok.

Escar leaves her room and goes back to the kitchen while Zangya gets ready. Escar makes his way back to the kitchen and sees Bulma almost done.

Bulma: So did you wake them up?

Escar: They will be down in a bit. Do you need any help with breakfast?

Bulma: You can cook?

Escar: Of course it's something my mother taught me.

Bulma: Sure you can help.

Escar gets up and helps make breakfast and Bulma is surprised by how he can cook she decides to make a pot of coffee while Escar finishes making breakfast.

Escar gets up and helps make breakfast and Bulma is surprised by how he can cook she decides to make a pot of coffee while Escar finishes making breakfast

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Bulma: Have you ever had coffee?

Escar: No I haven't what is it?

Bulma: It's a drink that helps get people get out of bed or sometimes makes them more sleepy want to try it?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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