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What? Michell felt his eyes widen as he heard Sandi's words. Did Sandi see him as a boyfriend? Michell looked over at the three guys who were startled aswell. The guy who called out to Michell chuckled nervously, waving his hands in the air in defeat. "Chill out dude...He's all yours." The guy said mockingly as he looked over at his friends who were both smiling. Sandi grumbled, glaring at the three guys as they all scurried away while giggling. Sandi looked over at Michell who was still startled by his words. He felt himself smirk, he loved seeing Michell flustered like this, it made him feel confident. "You okay?" Sandi asked as he raised his brow to which Michell responded with a small nod of his head. Michell was looking down at the ground, he couldn't speak, he felt as if he spoke he would end up a stuttering mess. Sandi chuckled at Michell's embarrassment, he patted Michell's back and squeezed his shoulder teasingly. "C'mon, let's get going." Sandi said as he grabbed Michell's hand, holding it tightly as he led him away. Michell couldn't stop blushing, his knees were weak to the point where he felt like he was going to collapse but he followed Sandi.

While they walked it was silent for the most part but soon Sandi spoke up. "Those guys were such idiots..." Sandi muttered, gripping Michell's hand tighter which made Michell squeal quietly in response. "Mhm.." Michell mumbled. "...Where are we going anways?" Michell asked as he looked over at Sandi with a raised brow. Sandi chuckled. "We're going to my house, of course." Sandi winked, making Michell blush. Michell nodded as the two of them continued walking. As the two walked, they made simple small talk, talking about random things and laughing. Michell loved when the two of them were alone like this, together and without any other problems, it was as if the two of them were the only people in the world. During the whole walk, Michell couldn't stop staring at Sandi, all of the things that had happened in this week were replaying in his head once again. It was all so..sudden? The two of them were always just friends, nothing more, but now suddenly their relationship feels so complicated. Michell didn't even know what the two of them were anymore, and he figured Sandi didn't know either. It was just all so—

"We're here." Sandi said, snapping Michell out of his overthinking. Sandi unlocked the door to his house as the two of them walked inside, their hands seperating. Sandi looked around, seeing that his parents weren't home. "We're alone...Nice." Sandi chuckled as he looked over at Michell. Michell rolled his eyes at Sandi's obvious teasing before setting down his backpack, letting it fall to the floor. "You're so weird..." Michell mumbled as he walked into Sandi's room and sat down onto the edge of the bed. Sandi set his own backpack down and followed Michell into the bedroom, closing the door behind himself. "You know...I've been thinking." Sandi said, making Michell look up at him. "About us...About everything." Sandi explained as he sighed. "What are we?" Michell had no clue what to respond, he was too overwhelmed. He didn't expect for Sandi to ask this now, it was too sudden. "I—I don't know...I haven't really—...I don't know." Michell said in between rushed stutters. He knew he was wanted him and Sandi to be something but he felt like he just wasn't ready for a relationship, especially with a guy who is considered his best friend.

"What do you want us to be?" Sandi asked, his expression more serious in sheer contrast to his usual flirty and teasing one. Michell sighed as he looked away at Sandi. He couldn't look Sandi in the eyes right now, he was a hot mess."I'm not..Gay." Michell mumbled shyly. Michell and Sandi had always seen themselves as homophobes and they were always straight, but then why would all of this happen? Why would they suddenly feel so...attracted to eachother? "I'm not either, but...God dammit, this is all so confusing.." Samdi sighed, burying his face in his palms. Michell stood up, looking up at Sandi. "I love you...A lot, you know?" Michell mumbled, his hand on Sandi's right shoulder. Sandi looked at Michell, his eyes bright with affection as he gripped Michell's hips before burying his face into the crook of Michell's neck. "Mmhh...I love you too." Sandi mumbled, his voice muffled. Michell chuckled as he patted Sandi's head. "We're acting too gay..." He said with a smile plastered across his face.

Cupcake 🧁, ( NSFW/18+ | Gay ) Where stories live. Discover now