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It was just a rainy tuesday at school. Sandi was looking out the window, looking sadly at the raindrops rolling down the window glass. His eyes lit up as he saw Michell walk into the classroom. "Hey.." Michell mumbled, sitting down next to Sandi and not maintaining eye contact. Sandi couldn't help but smile a little, he giggled to himself. "What?" Michell asked, looking at Sandi for a second. "I'm just happy you're here." Sandi smirked as he stared at Michell for 5 long seconds, maintaining eye contact.

Michell looks at him for a second and then looks away, blushing. The tension is broken by the bell ringing. A few seconds after, the teacher walks into the classroom, making them break all physical contact and sit quietly as if nothing had happened. "So what were you all doing during the weekend?" The teacher asked. Michell blushed at the question, the previous weekend him and Sandi went to the movies. While watching the movie Sandi's hand brushed against Michell's. They both looked away for a second, but then Sandi decided to put his hand on top of Michell's.

Sandi saw Michell blushing and smirked to himself, luckily nobody had noticed since their desk was in the back of the class. The two periods went by quickly, then came German class. "Guten Morgen, Klasse!" Said the teacher. "Today we're going to be doing an exercise in pairs. So choose a partner and ask them questions in German!" Sandi instantly looked over at Michell, half smiling. They both turned to face eachother, not knowing what to say. Finally Sandi decided to break the ice. "Sooo...Are you gonna start or..?" Sandi asked. "Uhm...I don't really know German.." Michell admittedly said.

Sandi chuckled. "Neither do I. We're in the back of the class anyways, do you just wanna talk?" Sandi said, smiling at Michell. "Sure." Michell said in a whispery tone. "So..Are you okay?" Sandi asked. "You've been kinda distant with me today..." He felt worried, usually Michell shared everything with him but recently he noticed how much Michell had been keeping to himself. "I haven't...It's— Nothing." Michell replied, looking away from Sandi. "Are you sure? I mean..You know you can talk to me, right? I am your best friend." Sandi said. Hearing the words 'best friend' coming out from Samdi's mouth made Michell's heart emplode into a million pieces. 

"Are you really gonna ignore what happened on saturday..?" Michell mumbled. "W-What are you talking about..?" Sandi stuttered, chuckling nervously. He could feel the sweat dripping down his forehead as he tried so desperately to forget what happened between the two of them. "You know damn well what I'm talking about." Michell said, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at Sandi. He hated how Sandi didn't want to admit what happened, all he wanted was for Sandi to acknowledge their spark. He hated how Sandi just wanted to sweep everything under the rug, it made his heart hurt.

"Look..If that's what's bothering you we could just pretend it never happened." Sandi said. "You don't get it, Sandi! I don't wanna just sweep everything under the rug like you!" Michell said, a little too loudly. "Just..Forget it." He mumbled, he didn't have the nerve to talk to Sandi anymore. Before Sandi could respond, the class ended with the ring of a bell. Before he knew it, everyone was already headed to lunch, leaving just him and Michell in the classroom. He looked over at Michell, ready to leave for lunch with him. But before he could say anything, Michell slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked out the classroom, not even uttering a word. Sandi couldn't believe it, why was Michell so upset about something so...stupid? It made no sense, at least to Sandi it didn't. Sandi sighed and took his own bag, walking out the class in hope to catch up to Michell.

Throught the whole lunch period, Michell completely ignored Sandi. Sandi constantly kept trying to speak to Michell, he already missed his best friend. Although, each time he tried to talk to Michell, Michell would just turn away and start talking to Lana, Onyx and Ema. Sandi felt so hurt, Michell usually didn't even hangout with them and yet he still chose to talk to them over him? How rude, Sandi thought to himself. Sandi just spent the whole lunch period alone, silently eating his food. He was too annoyed to talk to anyone else in the class. When the bell rang for the lunch period to end, Sandi walked inside the school and towards the class, trying his best not to care about Michell's whereabouts.

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