In the Livingroom

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We just walk right in and shout hello while we take off our shoes and outerwear. Hedda comes and meets us in the hallway, looking a little surprised.

- Are you coming already?

- Yes? Vegard looks at her in confusion. - Aren't we late? Wasn't it 12? He runs his hand through his hair.

- Vegard, she shakes her head, - I told you, we changed it to 1. I talked to you yesterday. Don't you remember? She watches him very surprised. - So you and Bård didn't have to stress.

- Vegard, are you serious? I glare at him. - You mean I had to hurry out of the shower because you forgot?

- I'm so sorry babe. He looks down, ashamed.

- Oh, you be sorry. I hit him on his arm making him chase me into the kitchen, around the kitchen island and then into the living room. We end up behind the sofa, as always, where we lay and kiss for a while and then we just laugh.

- I'm sorry babe. He gazes at me and strokes my cheek.

- Hey, it's okay. I give him a little kiss on his neck. - I got a reason to make you chase me. I like it when you chase me. I smile.

- I know. He smirks. - I like to chase you.

- What are you doing down there? Bjarte peeks down from the back of the sofa. - Can I join you? He sniggers.

- Only because it's Christmas Bjarte. Vegard smiles at him, sounding unusual kind for once.

Bjarte jumps down to us and we start to tickle him. He laughs so much he can't breath for a while.

- Vegard, Maja, Bjarte, you have to come out of there now. Hedda sticks her head in behind the sofa. - We're gonna eat.

- We're coming.

We all gather around the dining table. Bård's still asleep and no one wants to wake him up so we eat without him. The food is delicious, as always, and we are having a good time, talking and laughing. After lunch I hang with Bjarte upstairs. He's got some new game he wants to show me. It looks like a lot of fun so I try it but I'm not very good at it and he laughs so much at me that I give up and just watch. He's of course very good at it though. Vegard checks in on Bård, who's awake but refuses to leave his room. I can hear them talk but not about what. It sounds like they are upset though. When I leave Bjarte I stop outside Bård's door and I hear part of what Vegard says.

- For fucks sake Bård, she misses you. Don't you get it. If you don't get it now, you will never get it. You broke her heart and still she wants you in her life. In our life. We want you. What the hell's wrong with you. She loves you! You're an idiot.

When I hear Vegard walking towards the door I run into the bathroom. I don't want him knowing I heard what he said. I'm a little angry at him, why did he have to tell him that? He's right. Of course he's right. He's always right. I go and sit down in the shower. I feel safe in there, and I have to think. So, yeah, I want him in our life, I miss him and I long for him, but what if he doesn't want to be in our life? Have Vegard even thought about that? Well, I guess their conversation led up to that outburst for a reason.

I leave the shower after a while and go down to the others. It has started to snow so I ask if someone wants to take a walk with me. They are way ahead of me, we're going sledding. Everybody but Bård, who still is locked in his room. Fun Christmas Eve when he's moping in his room.

- Vegard, it feels like it's my fault he doesn't want to come join us. I should leave. The sadness I feel when I say it overwhelms me. Our first Christmas isn't supposed to be like this.

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