Have You Seen the Angels?

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When we come home there's a whole little welcome home party. Hedda and Harald and Bjarte are there. Julia and my guys too. The guys have made food and there are beer and wine and cider. We've got a big dining table with both chairs and two benches and a coffee table. Since the living room is gigantic there's still room for dancing if we would like. Vegard have also been out and bought a proper stereo. I've been gone for three days and our apartment is completely changed.

- I hope it's okay that I complemented a little? He stroke my cheek and smiles at me. - We got the two tables from mom and dad. And the stereo is the one you talked about a while back. He looks so satisfied I have to laugh a little at him and then I give him a light kiss.

- I love it. All of it. It's amazing. You are amazing. This is amazing. I throw myself around his neck and laugh.

- You are amazing too. He spin me around. - And it's amazing...

- And this is when you shut your mouth and don't tease me about my amazing use of the amazing word amazing. I make a face and smile. - Do you understand my most amazing boyfriend, the amazingly magnificent and mighty. Amazing, that's all I'm saying. Amazing.

- Hehe... amazing. He smirks.

I chase him around the sofa and then around the dining table, into the bedroom where we collapse on the bed, laughing. Hedda, Harald, Bjarte and Bård starts to laugh at us. The others doesn't know so they don't really understand what we are doing. Bård closes the door after us, giving us some privacy.

We wrestle on the bed and then I end up on top of Vegard. I lay and look at him for a while and then I roll off him again and lay on my side, resting my head in my hand, beside him. He turns and lays towards me and then we lay there just looking at each other. I start to trace his lips. I love his lips, they are so soft and beautiful. He does the same with mine. I caress his cheek and run my fingers through his hair and he mimics me. Everything I do, he does. He's my mirror. He starts to sing 'High' to me and I can't do anything else than look at his beautiful brown eyes and his beautiful lips moving. I gently stroke his cheek while I take his hand and let our fingers entwine. I want this moment to last forever. This is why I love him so incredibly much more than anything or anyone else. He kiss me with his soft, a little moist lips, so gently when the song has come to an end and then we just lay there and hold each other.

- Maja, he whispers.

- Mm

There's no need for words, I know and he knows.

We lay still a while longer, till there's a knock on the door. I really don't want to get up but I guess we have to. Bård sticks his head in the door.

- Can I come in or am I disturbing you? He sounds so sad, our beautiful Bård.

- No, it's okay. Come. Vegard waves at him to come and sit down on the bed beside him. I lay on my back, looking at the amazing chandelier in the ceiling. He sits down and I take his hand and entwine our fingers. He looks sad.

- Are you okay, blue? I turn over to him and look at him. The sadness in his eyes is very tangible.

- No, not really. He sighs and leans on Vegard.

- Is it because of us? Vegard lays his arm around him.

- No, of course not. He looks up at Vegard and then at me. - No, it's actually Julia.

- Oh? Vegard looks a bit confused.

- Yeah, she's hitting on Calle. She's supposed to be my girlfriend and she's hitting on my friend. Is she trying to get me to break up with her or what? He's agitated. Irritated. Sad. There's so many emotions inside him.

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