10• The First Minor Villain And A New Member •10

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  Miler stared at the chessboard laid in front of him in boredom. The mask on the upper half of his face hiding the emotions reflected through his eyes.

  And, after a few minutes of still silence, Miler finally made his move. Calmly moving his rook on another position.

  He then admired the positions of his pawns on the board again. And then stood up, as if just waiting for the other side to make its move.

  "Just a little more, you'll be checkmated if you continue to play dead little Fate."

  Miler chuckled to himself in his original deep voice before closing the door of the room.


  Cale and his envoy finally set off on their way to the Capital. Since the red haired teen didn't really like taking a lot of people with him, their envoy could be considered small.

  Namely two butlers; Ron and the territory's deputy butler Hans; a small group of knights led by their Vice Captain, Hilsman; the chef, Beacrox; as well as the two guards of Cale that he personally "scouted", Riel and Choi Han.

  Over all, there are only ten people in their envoy, including Cale. Of course, the two cat wasn't counted as Cale himself did not know that the two were actually the children he let Riel take in.

  And, unlike in the novel, no one was dumb enough to attack Cale's carriage. And so, they reached the territory of Viscount Tolz rather peacefully.

  "Go and look for an Inn to stay the night. Preferably one near a bar so I can let the knights take a break."

  Cale ordered Hans in a bored manner. Letting him take care of the rest. He then turn his attention toward Ron.

  "Ron, go and check how those two are."

  Cale then leaned boredly at the window sill of the carriage, looking out at the small and quiet village they were in. Ron gave an affirmative nod while smiling benignly and a polite bow before leaving.

  However, not even a moment later, a commotion could be heard from outside the carriage. Cale heaved a heavy sigh before forcing himself to stand up with a groan.

  'I'm too lazy to cope up with any bulls*t today.'

  Cale complained to himself as he made his way down the carriage. And the sight that greeted him made him let out a tired sigh once again.

  Choi Han was arguing with someone, probably a noble's lackey, while Riel was leisurely and elegantly watching on the side. What's more, the noble that the lackey belonged to was someone familiar.

  Venion Stan of the Stan Marquisate.

  It was rather obvious because of the flag on the carriage. Also, Venion Stan himself was already outside his carriage. And his attention was glued to the gorgeous looking Riel whose hair is still tied up.

  Cale did not like this one bit. Specially when he saw Venion's lecherous gaze. Cale immediately knew how this would play.

  'Probably Venion asking Choi Han to apologize for being rude to a noble and then demanding Riel Ahjussi as compensation. Typical.'

  Cale groaned in frustration. But as he made his way toward them, a smirk was already plastered on his face.

  'Too bad I'm here tho.'

  When he reached the people gathered in this incident, it's obvious that Venion had already made his demand. Considering how tense the atmosphere was, that is.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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