"Why do I hate myself so much?"
Figure it out, nerd.

"Why am I still here?"
Because you're damn strong.

"Why do I lie to myself thinking they'll care when it only hurts more in the end?"
It's not a lie. They care, moron.

"Why do I do this to myself?"
Because you're a self sacrificing bastard.

"Am I Broken?"
No, just a bit messed up.

He then turns the page and sees Deku's answers to the questions.
His eyes scan the pessimistic answers written by Deku, each line a stark reflection of the weight pressing down on his friend's shoulders.

"Why am I so Useless? You were born that way."

Bakugou's brow furrowed, the harshness of Deku's self-perception cutting through him.

"Why can't I do anything right? Your existence is wrong."

The venom in those words stung, and Bakugou clenched his fists in frustration.

"Why can't I just suck it up? You're just a crybaby Deku."

The words echoed with a cruel familiarity.

"Why am I so weak? You're not worth staying strong for."

A surge of anger and helplessness welled up within Bakugou as he read the self-loathing sentiments on the page.

"Why did he choose me? You were gullible enough to be his pawn."

The realization that Deku saw himself as a mere pawn unsettled Bakugou. The truth behind those words struck a chord.

"Why do I feel so alone? You are alone."

Bakugou's gaze flickered, caught between sympathy and frustration for his troubled friend.

"Why do I ruin everything? You're a fucking worthless Deku."

The words cut deep, and Bakugou felt an ache in his chest. He had said that. This is his fault.

"Why do I hate myself so much? You deserve it."

Bakugou's eyes narrowed, fists trembling with restrained anger at the unwarranted self-blame.

"Why am I still here? You don't know when to quit."

A sense of urgency welled up in Bakugou as he continued reading, each sentence pushing him further into the depths of Deku's turmoil.

"Why do I lie to myself thinking they'll care when it only hurts more in the end? You're pathetic."

Bakugou's jaw tightened, the helplessness threatening to overwhelm him.

"Why do I do this to myself? You deserve it."

The weight of Deku's self-inflicted pain hung heavily in the air.

"Am I Broken? Irreparably so."

Bakugou slowly put the pen down, his usually confident demeanor replaced by uncertainty and concern. He felt an overwhelming desire to help, but the gravity of the situation left him at a loss. Bakugou, for the first time, didn't know what to do or say to pull Deku out of the darkness that seemed to have consumed him.

Bakugou turned the page, his eyes widening at the sight. Instead of questions or answers, the page was filled with a chaotic stream of consciousness, a raw outpouring of Deku's inner turmoil.

"I can't escape it. The pain, the doubt, it's suffocating."

"I try so hard, but it's never enough. The world keeps pushing me down."

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