{Kung Fu Panda 2} Inner Peace

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A sudden burst of red light fills the screen, revealing the unconscious Furious Five entangled in chains. As the bright light awakens them, Tigress blinks and then glares fiercely at Lord Shen and Boss Wolf, who hold a torch and stand alongside Toxin. It becomes apparent that they are all on a large boat somewhere in the city.

Lord Shen approaches the Five, leaning in close to Tigress' ear. "Such sad, sad faces. But now is a time only for joy," he sneers. Tigress snarls at the wicked peacock, her anger palpable. Shen gazes back at her, undeterred. "Once we reach the harbor, in front of all the world, you and your precious kung fu will die," he declares, turning away from them. "Then China will know to bow before me. Set sail!"

The Five are lifted high above the ship, suspended in the air. The scene then cuts to an interior room, where young children are engrossed in a puppet show. Suddenly, the paper screen is tinted red, and a large black shape looms over the little puppets. The children cower in fear, while the puppeteer, a pig, looks behind him in terror. In another room, rabbits playing catch catch sight of a large dragon head figure moving past their window. Meanwhile, a sheep is interrupted from watering her plant pit as a mast bumps into the sign outside her window. All the citizens look outside to see...

A massive armada of ships gliding slowly down the canal, filled with wolf soldiers and cannons. Lord Shen stands on a podium above his largest cannon on a ship twice the size of the others. Further up the line of ships, the Five hang suspended above the wolves, their silence and depression reflecting their impending doom.

Inside a small cage, Mantis breaks the silence. "Honestly, guys, I never thought I'd die like this. I always thought I'd meet a nice girl, settle down... and then she'd eat my head. So sad..."

"We cannot give up hope! Po would want us to stay strong. Hardcore, right, Tigress?" Monkey asks, looking up at her. However, instead of her usual strength, Tigress wears a grief-stricken expression. Some distance in front of the armada, several citizens watch the scene from a small bridge stretching across the canal. Boss Wolf turns to Shen. "Lord Shen, what about the bridge?"

"Nothing stands in my way," Shen replies with determination.

Toxin's eyes widen slightly as a cannon at the front of the line takes aim at the bridge. The citizens realize the imminent danger and flee for their lives.

"Fire!" The cannon is launched. The citizens narrowly escape the bridge before it is completely destroyed, dodging falling debris as they run. The Five are horrified by this act.

"You coward!" Tigress snarls at Shen, but he ignores her. Tigress looks at the scene, then glances up and spots a figure standing on a high roof, illuminated by the moonlight. It's a familiar, round, black and white shape wearing a cone-shaped hat. Tigress can't believe her eyes... "Po?"

A very much alive Po looks down at the armada as it moves through the canal. Tigress's face lights up, and her friends also spot Po.

"Po?" Viper, Mantis, Monkey, and Crane exclaim in shock. The citizens come out of hiding as news of Po's return spreads, even among the soldiers. Shen glares up at the panda, astounded and furious.

"How is that possible?" Toxin mutters.

"How many times do I have to kill the same stinking panda?!" Shen asks angrily. On the roof, Po nervously observes the massive army below. Then he sees his friends, bound and staring at him in pure amazement, and anger fills him.

"Shen! A panda stands between you and your destiny!" Shen's perspective cuts in, barely hearing the distant words 'destiny'!


"Prepare yourself for a hot serving of justice! Your reign of terror ends now."

Shen's perspective returns, and Po's words can barely be heard saying 'serving of justice! Your reign of terror ends now!' Boss Wolf looks at Shen, confused, and glances at Toxin, who just shrugs.

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