Chapter 06

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— Where did you go? — Macau asks as soon as Kimhan enters his room. Porchay was sleeping next door with his head resting on his Vegas brother's legs.

— I had to sort some things out. — He sits down in the armchair next to the bed. — I've found somewhere to leave him while all this is going on. — He points to Porchay.

— And where would that be? — He strokes her boyfriend's hair.

— The death couple. — He says it as if it were normal to meet this couple and still survive to tell the tale. — How are you?

— It was no big deal, it wouldn't kill me... I still have to watch your father's old man die. — I smiled sideways. — Are we going to leave Chay with them?

— My father wouldn't dare mess with them. — He faces Porchay. — That place is the safest, when all this is over we'll be able to live our lives without fear of some crazy old man killing us... And so the second family returns to the rightful heir.

— It's been so long since this fight that I don't even remember what it's like to live without fear. — He faced Porchay, who was snoring quietly. — I'm not afraid for myself, but for Chay, you and my brother... Vegas has changed a lot, sometimes he doesn't even seem like my brother... It's like he's a soldier without a commander, who at any moment could press the button on a bomb and blow everything up.

— And where exactly is he? — When Kimhan entered the apartment, he thought he'd find the idiot face of Vegas, but to his surprise there was only his boyfriend and his boyfriend's boyfriend.

— He's come up with a crazy plan, which I'm sure will destroy the rest of his sanity.

— I thought he didn't even have any more. — Kimhan lets out a half laugh. — But what is this plan?

— He accidentally met a guy who's friends with Porsche, and he's going to use that to get to him. — He shakes his head as he rolls his eyes.

— At what point did he think this would be a good idea? — Kimhan asks as he remembers when he did almost the same thing with Porschay, and looks at where he is now, totally taken in by it.

— What would be a good idea? — Porchay opens his eyes and lifts his head from Macau's lap. - When did I fall asleep?

— Not long ago.— Macau says affectionately, kissing his boyfriend's forehead.

— I should be looking after you, not the other way around. — A peck forms on Porchay's lips as he leans against the headboard, crossing his arms.

— You took very good care of me, look how much better I look. — He smiles, trying to convince the younger man.

— Liar, I know you must be in pain.

— I'd never lie to you. — He squeezes his boyfriend's cheeks.

— Okay, let's stop this. — Kimhan interrupts.

— What's wrong? — Macau turns to his cousin. — Are you jealous?

— Of course not, you idiot. We just have things to do. — He rolls his eyes and gets up. — We have to take Chay to his new home.

— New home?

— We'll explain on the way.


Vegas hadn't shown up for two days, and Pete hadn't realized it, waiting for him to show up. But if anyone asked him about it, he'd just say he was on alert and had no feelings for the man.

— Fucking idiot. — He banged on the counter angrily, scaring some people who were picking flowers. — I should have let him die. — He mutters. — If he appears in front of me again, I swear I'll kill him and make fertilizer for my flowers. — Just as Pete finished saying this, he spotted Vegas walking away from his store. — He must be in love with death to want to meet her so badly. — He shook his head and rolled his eyes as he tensed his jaw.

Flowers And Death - VegasPete (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now