Chapter 04

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— How did it go? — Macau asks without looking up from his cell phone, typing quickly.

— I don't know. — He throws himself on the sofa.

— What do you mean you don't know? You left here saying you were going to put the plan into practice. — He finishes typing, then locks his cell phone and puts it on the table.

— But the plan is already in place, it can only take time. — Sigh. — That guy's a bit weird.

— You shouldn't use him, it's our revenge, it's our problem, he has nothing to do with it... Have you ever thought about the possibility of you falling in love with him, imagine the shit that would happen.

— That's never going to happen. — He laughs. — I don't fall in love, look how many guys have been in my bed, and none of them have been enough for me.

— Of course, Mr. Golden Stick. — Macau picks up the cell phone as soon as it beeps twice.

— What are you doing with that phone? — Try to see what your brother was typing. — He's been looking straight at his cell phone for months.

— It's no big deal. — He gets up from the sofa and sits down on the other one to get away from his brother.

— You're very suspicious. — Vegas will sow its eyes. — I just don't take this information from you, because at the moment my mind is focused on getting the leadership of the second family back.

— And you should be doing that, not bothering me. — Macau gets up from the sofa and walks out of the living room into his bedroom.

— You must be catching someone, I'm sure. — Vegas says quietly and lays his head back on the sofa. — I wonder how he reacted when he saw the flowers? I bet he must have freaked out.


— How many times do I have to tell you not to appear in front of me? — Pete says as soon as he opens the door and sees Vegas.

After a good night's sleep, Vegas woke up very early in the morning and as soon as he'd had his breakfast and dressed elegantly, he set off for Pete's house, and that's where he was at that moment.

— He liked the flowers. — Vegas didn't care what Pete said, he just walked past Pete and straight into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa.

— What do you think you're doing? — Going after Vegas. — That's trespassing, I can report you to the police. — Stand in front of Vegas, both hands on his waist. — Go away. — Point to the door.

— Don't be a pain.

— What do you want with me, anyway?

— To go out with you.

— Ata. — Pete rolls his eyes and heads for the kitchen. — We don't even know each other, and you don't have the profile of falling in love at first sight... I don't think you even know what love is. — He returns to the living room holding a glass of juice.

— That hurt my heart.

— Have you? — Drink the juice. — Just go away and stop tormenting me, I've got better things to do than pay attention to you.

— I'm serious. — He gets up from the sofa and stands next to Pete. — I want to go out with you.

— What happened that night? — Pete moves away. — I said I didn't want to know, but now I do.

— I was mugged. — Vegas lies without even blinking.

— We both know that's not true.

— If you know I'm going to lie, why did you ask?

Flowers And Death - VegasPete (English Version)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora